Is this ip yours?
Manuel-Agostinho last edited by
You are sending me reports of contacts from Nigeria :
Is this 1 of yours servers/ or what not?
(I'm using this forum because it started since using synchronization with my phone)
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@manuel-agostinho You are talking about....?
If you mean the email message that you get when your Opera account is used to login in an Opera site, the IP in the message is yours.
Manuel-Agostinho last edited by
@leocg yes but I have from my country and from Nigeria???
After changing password???
Guys run away..... -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@manuel-agostinho Are you using VPN by chance? Or data saver if you are on mobile?
Manuel-Agostinho last edited by
@leocg nothing on the phone (didn't have made any backup) don't have data saver
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@manuel-agostinho The IP address is yours? That's what matters, the location may just be guessed wrongly.
Manuel-Agostinho last edited by
@leocg the e-mail talk about new sign-in
When it says my country, ok, doesn't have to be exactly where I am, but from Europe to Africa??? Nigeria???
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@manuel-agostinho said:
the e-mail talk about new sign-in
Yes, that email is only sent when you login in an Opera site.
When it says my country, ok, doesn't have to be exactly where I am, but from Europe to Africa??? Nigeria???
Did a research and found ou that the IP you mentioned seems to be from Opera. What Opera do you use to access the internet?
User location i snot an information sent by the browsers, unless the site asks and the user allows the use of geolocation. So, many sites just try to guess the user/device location based on the IP address and many times it can be wrong.
If you go to and search for the IP you've mentioned, you see that three different countries are listed as being the location of that IP.
Manuel-Agostinho last edited by Manuel-Agostinho
@leocg TY in fact the ip works Nigeria and Opera.
Sorry didn-t answered sooner. -