Learning programming
A Former User last edited by
Yes, check if the content is stored as UTF.
It wasn't.
I hadn't been advised on that, so I'd been leaving the default "ANSI" there. Now I tried resaving one of my oldest htmls changing that to "UTF8" - the doc overwrote itself successfully (I'll check that on one of the two "mixed-titled" later). -
A Former User last edited by
Yes, I resaved those two - but you know what?
The recent test one where I inserted the<meta>
, got boxes and then amended using my Opera('source code')
- appeared (seemed) alreadyUTF-8
now (means it was the only one for whose resaving my Windows already offered "UTF-8" as default - for others it did always seem "ANSI" being the default there). -
A Former User last edited by
Thank you, Angie, for your "UTF" advice!
I just opened of theUTF
-resaved documents in my Chrome: looks perfectly o'k!
Yeah - the other one too! :yes:
For you: -
Deleted User last edited by
Fine, now my reputation as female geek, HTML witch and IT professional grows more and more
The coffe is too cold, now. But next time after good help, please send me a coffee machine
A Former User last edited by
Just use this:
A Former User last edited by
Yes, check if the content is stored as UTF.
It wasn't.
I hadn't been advised on that, so I'd been leaving the default "ANSI" there. Now I tried resaving one of my oldest htmls changing that to "UTF8" - the doc overwrote itself successfully.Imagine, Angie, the site I'm learning it on's also missing this 'step'. I guess it may be the case because they forgot to think about the fact that not everybody on Earth is strictly confined to the English language only*;)*
Deleted User last edited by
Please send them a mail to add this information you missed for learners at w3school
A Former User last edited by
No e-mail.
I tried Facebook.
(Well, there is a link at the bottom there: "Report an error" or "...mistake", I deemed it not that exactly - didn't try.) -
A Former User last edited by
<em>What exactly</em> are `` and
elements used for?The `` tag is a phrase tag. It defines keyboard input.
... This tag is not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effect with CSS.The
tag is a phrase tag. It defines sample output from a computer program.
... This tag is not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effect with CSS.<small>Reference: [<cite>HTML Computer Code Elements</cite>](http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_computercode_elements.asp" title="W3Schools).</small>
Deleted User last edited by
Hardly to explain for me, because my native/spoken language is not english, sorry.
HTML element kbd is used to markup text as keyboard input. That means in context for users or even reading programs: This text has to be logically interpreted as keyboard input.
HTML element samp is use for examples.
These two element are not used for optical text formatting, they are for logical structurizing content.
Other example:
h1 as HTML markup means: In HTML document structure this is a header of level 1 (=top-level)
It does not mean: This is a big text with bold letters. -
A Former User last edited by
...['cause] my native/spoken language is not english, sorry.
I prefer English anyway*:P*
These two element are not used for optical text formatting, they are for logical structurizing content.
Well, I'm getting a slight hint for understanding - a slight one but still it's a hint and I'm getting it.
However, <q cite="W3Schools" title="I've used the 'q' tag here - so it's meant as a quote.">... This tag is not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effect with CSS.</q> -
what sense does it make for you? -
A Former User last edited by
They always cite some API or APIs.
What is this exactly? Apart from the words, I mean. -
A Former User last edited by
There's this video: file type -
3GPP Content
Which media type should I apply to it to embed it?
Oh, the extension is.3gp
on the source page.