12.15 forces Google as search engine
hal5000 last edited by
I am using Version12.15, Build1748, Platform x64, SystemWindows 7 and I deleted Google from the search engine list and replaced Startpage as my default search engine and every time I restart, Google reappears and becomes the default search engine. I reported this issue but Opera support referred me to the forums. I can see that a lot of others share the same concerns about Google and Opera. I use Opera to rid myself from google and also the ability to customize my browser. This has changed now with this issue. To me this is a big issue and not just a bug. I hope Opera will reconsider the handshake between Opera and Google, if not I will have to reconsider my options.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by hal5000:
I hope Opera will reconsider the handshake between Opera and Google
There's no such a thing, as Chirpie said earlier if your browser location was Russia then the Yandex search engine would keep coming back since it's the default there. It's a bug reseting the search engine to default in some cases.
stepanstas last edited by
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
There's no such a thing, as Chirpie said earlier if your browser location was Russia then the Yandex search engine would keep coming back since it's the default there. It's a bug reseting the search engine to default in some cases.
Yes there is. There is a separate deal with Google and Yandex. There is a handshake. Those two are "defaults" for a reason.
A Former User last edited by
Yes there are contracts to define the defaults. These very own contracts make Opera earn money and are the main reason why Opera is freeware to us.
But they just define the defaults at the time of installation and you can change them, but in 12.15 there's a bug resetting the choice, that's it.
hal5000 last edited by
All I did was uninstall 12.15 and loaded in 12.14 / 64 bit, so I will live with any bugs in 12.14 because it allows me to delete google and load in startpage as my default search engine. I'd rather wait and see if this issue is fixed and if not, well 12.14 never gave me too much trouble, (well java has been a issue with Opera but I will live with it). Now as for a free browser, yes Opera has been free but if they fix the issue I would pay to use Opera if they would need to charge for their browser.
"Even MS IE10 allows me change to startpage as my default search engine without issue." -
Deleted User last edited by
I'm still using 12.01 for an unrelated reason, but you could use the RedirectToHttps extension (which can actually redirect any URL to any other URL, with regex support) to redirect all Google search queries to the engine of your choice, with proper formatting.
For example, you could redirect:
https://startpage.com/do/search?query=%2Not an ideal solution, but it should work until Opera fixes the bug if you need to use 12.15 instead of an older version. (Also read my comment on the RedirectToHttps plugin page for instructions on how to disable the Google Docs redirection.)
noob256 last edited by
Thanks tlwsyf for the most useful answer in this thread (for some reason i cannot quote here, well played). Since Prism i am finally sensitive to all this bs - and i am done with Opera today. It´s been a ride since Summer 2006 starting with 9.0 but alas, everything comes to an end - i kinda expected it soon, but not this way. Lame.
MLee1 last edited by
Thanks Phanx, but like noob256, I am getting just a little fed-up with Google-plex Opera. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of an older version of Opera that I could use. Is there an archive of past versions which I can access? If there is not I will likely reduce, or eliminate, my usage of Opera. I like the Bit Stream capability, but Opera is not the only such browser. This Google search engine "bug" has been an infliction for months and rather than resolving it the developers are hell-bent on creating more useless features for the next release.
luxor last edited by
Originally posted by MLee1:
Is there an archive of past versions which I can access?
Yes here. Download Opera
ClzOpera2 last edited by
Ahh the not a bug bug problem with the reset to Google.
I've been following this thread since I upgraded with the pain to reset to startpage.
two days ago I spent some time going to comodo dragon and Icedragon. seems ok but more pain to learn and try to customize. Not near the easiest to customize and control as what was my favorite Opera.
Lots of time spent. But at least the cause, in my mind is now understood.
Now for the more adept I would think that there is a entry point where this can be over come? I can see the google monster dictating the minor change to keep the $ flowing to Opera. But no mater what they do I know I will not comply.
Back to the last version for me. Or next on my list is Icedragon. -
desertoutlaw last edited by
The resolution to the issue is elementary. Simply have a developer add "ixquick" and "startpage" to the list of search engines shipped with Opera; Its that simple.
MLee1 last edited by
Originally posted by Luxor:
Originally posted by MLee1:
Is there an archive of past versions which I can access?
Yes here. Download Opera
Thank you, thank you! -
desertoutlaw last edited by
If you type "opera:config" in the address window of the the Opera browser,
then type "google" in the quick find search,
you will see google appears in "Geolocation" as
"Google2011 Location Provider Access Token"and "User Prefs" as
"Google TLD Default"
"Google TLD Downloaded"
"Google TLD URL"Therefore, Google is included in the code for the Opera browser.
Since re-writing the code is apparently not desired to be performed,
the simplest resolution is just to have "ixquick",
which is not only legitimate but the first and only EU-approved search engine registered with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (CBP) under number M 1346973 which supervises the fair and lawful use and security of personal data, to ensure privacy today and in the future (Google cannot make such a claim in any country)
and does not hijack search engines and/or home pages like Google and Bling during installation of some downloaded programs and applications from some large supposedly clean download sites,
(which is unethical on any level and today almost all porn sites have halted the practice)
is to add ixquick to the list of engines that ship with Opera and then release a new optional release available as a manual download for those that do not want Google set as the default search engine.
The addition of a search engine cannot take 15 minutes.
I can only speculate that Opera must be receiving "something" from Google that procrastinates the addition and hesitation of the process.
kristy66 last edited by
Oh brother, Google better not be merging! I like Opera as is, if they merge....... it's bye bye to Opera! :irked:
A Former User last edited by
As it already has been stated previously in this topic the browser is resetting to whatever search engine is default in your location.
If you install in Russian locale it'll reset to Yandex upon restart so no Opera isn't forcing people to Google nor merging with them in any form.
MLee1 last edited by
My scrying crystal is hazy regarding any future merger. There have been, however, changes made in the past that do point to the Google-Opera relationship as being a bit more than "friendly". Revenue from Google obliterated Opera's need for other commercial sponsership and, by contract, Google is the Opera default search engine in parts of the world. The following is an extensive quote (without footnote references) from the Wikipedia entry regarding Opera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_web_browser)
On 12 February 2013, Opera announced it would drop its Presto engine and transition its web browsers to use WebKit as implemented by Google's Chrome browser by means of code from the Chromium project. Opera Software also planned to contribute code to WebKit as well. On 3 April 2013, Google announced that it would fork components from WebKit to form a new rendering engine known as Blink; the same day, Opera confirmed that it would follow Google in implementing Blink.
On 28 May 2013, a beta release of Opera 15 was made available, notable as being the first version based on the Chromium project. Many distinctive features of the previous versions are no longer present, while Opera Mail has been split into a standalone application derived from Opera 12.
Although there is no direct indication that a merger shall occur (perhaps due to anti-trust laws) there is reason for concern.
A Former User last edited by
@MLee1 please read my post above, don't ignore it. BTW Opera 15 is out and it lets you easily switch the default to Bing, Yahoo! or Yandex in selected markets.
desertoutlaw last edited by
"by contract, Google is the Opera default search engine in parts of the world."
The above is understandable. However, defaults are capable of and can be changed.
Startup screen, media player, image editor, html editors, font sizes on the monitor, BROWSERs, etc.
Google can be the default to comply with the contract. Just add ixquick to the list of search engines that ship with Opera. Its a simple fix.
Rebooting the browser should not return the shipped default. If Opera cannot make the addition, then thats proof Google has become too big and has become the bully of the Internet or has controlling interest of Opera.
Google copied tabbed browsing from Opera for Chrome, like most other browsers have, perhaps Google just wants everything because their writers have lost their ability to think and generate new ideas and concepts.
Opera is the ONLY browser that defaults to Google upon a restart. Thats not a good thing and reveals that Opera no longer has control over their product.
We are wasting out time making these posts. Time to find another browser.
MLee1 last edited by
I have not ignored your earlier posting. In the face of actual occurrence your flat denial regarding Google's meddling with Opera is not a real defense - it is an expression of your opinion. That is fine; you are entitled to you opinion, but, based on actual events of the past, not an opinion that I share.
I agree with DesertOutlaw "We are wasting out time making these posts. Time to find another browser."