[Request]Sync from Google
RazerGhost last edited by leocg
would it be possible to add a feature to sync your data from google to operaGx like Google has with chrome because i have alot of passwords and if i need to type it in again just to sync it here it would make it a bit harder since id have to switch from chrome to opera just to find the password.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@razerghost You can import your passwords saved in Chrome to Opera GX.
RazerGhost last edited by RazerGhost
@leocg can u tell me how or link me to the guid? also thank u for letting me know its possible
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@razerghost Export the saved passwords in Chrome. It will generate a CSV file.
In Opera, enable opera://flags/#PasswordImport and, after the restart, go to opera://settings/passwords and import the passwords you have exported from Chromium.