Just lost all my passwords?
Igniterator last edited by leocg
Hello guys.
Just formatted my computer, and re-installed everything.
Well, time came for my Opera gx too, to get synced.
Tried to log in, but I forgot my account. So I reset my account, and login.
Now, I can not have my save passwords, unless I remember my old account.
What is the point of this. Since I forgot my old password, the company found it extremely funny/genius to make you lose all your other passwords too?
Please guys, tell me there is another way to recover them!
(I use opera, only on my desktop computer that I just formatted. I have not way to know my old password).
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@igniterator The point of that is security. Opera needs your old Opera account password to decrypt your synced saved passwords.
If you can't remember it then, sorry, but yes, you lost your passwords.
hellcuutr13 last edited by
same for me
just lost all my passwords somehow
i restarted opera gx and i was signed out my account.
then i couldnt remember the Password.
so i reset it
and now i have lost 400 passwords.
to a game i liked playing. -