How do you create a new Speed Dial folder ?
Deleted User last edited by
Successfully imported the folders of bookmarks from 12.17 to Speed Dial of 24.0.....but how can I CREATE new folders in 24.0 Speed Dial??........... and I have tried
Deleted User last edited by
Got It ! A little tricky, does work, and finishes out my needs. Now to USE '24' and try to get used to it...
lem729 last edited by
To create a folder in a position of the speed dial, drag one link/thumbnail image on top of another. You can easily name the folder and keep adding to it. For every position of the speed dial, you can have a folder of links/thumbnails in it, if you choose.
bendysan last edited by
The trick is to move one over another until it turns gray, then let go of it.