Screen Flashes when scrolling
doom123 last edited by
I was reading an article and when I finished, I started scrolling back to the top and noticed the screen flashes whenever I stopped scrolling.
I was actually scrolling fast as I meaned to rearch for the top of the page and then touched and held the screen to stop and thats when the screen starts flashing.
The flashing is like a very quick flickering of what is being displayed on the screen.
I was reading on the night mode provided by my phone UI and also dark theme in Opera.
I have a Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 with Android 10 and MIUI 11.0.6I'm using Qwant as my search engine.
Opera Touch is on version 2.9.5I hope there is some sort of solution to this issue considering Opera is my day to day browser on mobile and wouldn't like to stop using Qwant bc of the privacy.
dhilipp last edited by
Similar issues on android 8.1 / opera touch and mobile:
Best example seeking alpha page:
Or the captcha to register to this forum: the whole baground wasnt working, text instructions not readable.
though, the title bar of android flickers, too is this an android/memory issue?
(Seems like android tries to keep the ram half empty?)Well, i updated chrome, no issues there
I'm very curious if someone knows? Or btw, is it possible to tweak the ram management of android, to open, lets say 3 or 4 tabs simultanious?