Disabled "Tab Snoozing" a lot of times. But the banner keeps on showing up.
sushinator last edited by
Disabled "Tab Snoozing" a lot of times.
It is disabled in my settings.
But the banner keeps on showing up.Windows. Version:74.0.3911.107
rugby last edited by
@jamesconstance You can disable Tab Snoozing in Settings > Advanced > Snooze inactive tabs to save memory.
On the banner The Tab was snoozed to save memory there is a button Don't show again.
jamesconstance last edited by jamesconstance
@rugby Yes, and you'd expect only to have press the button once. Clearly, Opera is not remembering or occasionally resetting my preference.
coperlynn last edited by
I don't even have this setting option and when playing several games my pages all have to be reloaded every time
I switch off of them, A lot of the time opera just sits there real dumb until I click on refresh which loses my progress if I'm in the middle of a game.. Clicking on disable button does nothing for that tab either. Just my opinion this a badly implemented unwanted feature. let me know when this feature is controllable and I sure don't think I will like this feature either -(New] Hot Tabs Killer – slash tabs that use too much RAM or CPU. Killing my tabs because of memory really should be a non issue at this point in our tech. -