Is there a way to manually enter the email addresses for a saved password?
sleeplessindc last edited by
Problem: Opera password saver is not saving the email address used with a saved password.
I have three different login email addresses and passwords for a hosting service provider's URL (three different accounts). I used to have the three different logins (email address with related password) for the one URL saved in the Password Manager. So when I go to the site and select which email address I want to logon with, Opera fills in the correct password for that email address. Opera used to do this.
Now when I login for a site and tell Opera to save the password, it only saves the URL and the password. It doesn't save the necessary email address. The Manage Passwords list doesn't show the email address for new logons. Other saved passwords for various sites show all three: URL, email address, and password.
Previously, I had had three saved logons for the one URL:
URL emailaddress-1 password-1
URL emailaddress-2 password-2
URL emailaddress-3 password-3
but I needed to change the passwords.When I tried to log in for the first account, Autofill brought up the wrong password for that email address. I entered the new password and told Opera to save the new password. I thought it would be saved for the email address I was using.
Next I tried to log in using a different account's email address, Autofill didn't use the old password that had been saved with that address. Instead, it used the new password I had just saved for the other email address. I entered the new password to be used with this second email address and saved it thinking it would save it for this second login address.
The same thing happened when I tried to log in to the third account.
Looking at the Password Manager, I now have just
URL [no email address] password (whatever the last one saved was)
How do I get back to the previous state where there were three different logons? Is there a way to manually edit the Password Manager so that each email address is connected to the right password? -