Scroll Page Down, Page Up Buttons
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Please add buttons for scrolling the page down or up.
The transition from keyboard-operated computers to fingers-operated smartphones means the user drags or flicks the page instead of hitting the space-bar to see what's below. This is not ideal for long pages because the human eye can best read words during moments of fixation when the text is not moving. While the page is moving your eyes are tracking the general layout, maybe noticing the images, but no actual reading can take place until you stop the motion. Much time, I'm afraid, is spent looking at out-of-ocus text.
With Page Down/Up buttons you can basically see a sequence of stills ready for you to absorb the text. The time waiting between manual flicks/drags of the page would be replaced by a quick tap which ideally brings into view nothing you have already seen, making you more efficient.Such buttons could be transparent, snapped but freely movable up and down along the right side.