Lost Session Recovery
Wh0-Am-1 last edited by
Just lost a session of Opera GX with 500+ tabs with important information. Saved Last Session and Last Tabs, as well as Session Storage and Sessions folders. I have already tried replacing Current Session and Current Tabs with the save Last Session and Tabs, but everytime I try to start Opera, it creates a new session and moves the existing Current Session to to Last Session.
Version 71.0.3770.323 -
ReckonCrusat last edited by
@Wh0-Am-1 bro i am too facing this same problem...
as of now you simply cant retrieve your lost tabs and nobody here can help you ,you have to be prepared next time by use of session buddy or other 3rd party extensions.
here real developers will never heard our problems as some shitty moderators keeps on banning people for simply asking question in both opera+opera gx browser twice(you people are so active in noticing this type of errors but will never understand what a user is going through ..why not you help instead or dm personally to remove /modify the new thread) -