Browser layout focusing on the web page
RafaelKBarros last edited by leocg
Nowadays, every web browser I know has quite the same layout focusing on tab bars above, followed by command buttons, bookmarks bar. Opera has a side bar. In case you need more space to display the web page, you need to press F11, but you lose the command buttons! I've thought of a new display that could cause good impression on users and would focus on the web page rather than the browser, but without losing the identity of the brand (Opera, in this case!).
Why don't you give Opera a complete makeover like this:
- as the browser opens, the user gets the page in a complete Full Screen! (it would help a lot on smaller screens, like laptops')
- However, instead of not seeing the command buttons, close/maximise/minimise buttons, address bar etc at all, when the user approaches the mouse of specific points of the upper part of the screen, each of them would appear smoothly (maybe leaving the cursor there for a certain period of time to avoid incident mouse movements).
- Eg.: If the user needs command buttons (back, forward, reload, home), upper side of the window (left);
- for address bar and bookmarks - left side, upper part
- Tabs - the whole right side
- close/max/min - upper part (right)
You don't need to completely hide the buttons, but show a small shadow (or collor) indicating where they are.
As to not completely lose the identity of the browser's brand, as a browsers fan since 1997, let me give you another (vintage) suggestion:
When the page is loading, close to the right upper side a gif logo of opera could spin (like the old browsers), together with an indication of the up/download speed in another part of the screen. It would dissapear as soon as the page is fully loaded.
Hope you will consider this!! I'll be really glad to be contacted for further clarifications on this suggestions!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@RafaelKBarros Regarding number one, you can try start Opera with the --start-fullscreen command line
The rest would totally break the idea of full screen in my opinion.
RafaelKBarros last edited by RafaelKBarros
@leocg First of all, thanks for your reply!
You could still give the option of a complete full screen. However, nowadays we have more and more websites that look like apps, like online trading platforms, google docs/sheets, this very forum! They demand a more useful screen space. But when you open them in a complete full screen by pressing F11, you totaly lose the command buttons, demanding you to return to normal mode. The way I described, you wouldn't lose the buttons (any buttons!). They would only be hidden.