Opera refreshing pages automatically if background tab left for a certain time
spiderfarm last edited by
Same problem here, Opera now refreshes tabs after a few mins. Bloody annoying !!! I often have several tabs open, usually 2 internet radio, couple of youtube and some text pages. Such a nuisance have an hour long paused video, restart from the beginning and the paused internet radio start by itself. The only cure I can find so far is Firef*x.... I'd far rather be using Opera...
wander-mode last edited by
Hi. I recently started using Opera on Windows after using it on Mac for sometime. Everything is absolutely great, but there is this one problem that I am currently facing: the tabs keep reloading when I visit them more than once. I got to know about the term for it - tab suspension. I read a thread from @steamish about his problems with it. I would like to say that yes, it is a native thing. But I still ask the question, is there any way to stop this?
kosh9999 last edited by
Hi, after loading up a tab. It stops. I go to another tab look at the website. go back to the previous tab. Its loading again. How do i stop that. Its annoying. I have version 72.0.3815.400
ZanaDz last edited by
This really sucks. I hate Google Chrome for this, and move to Opera because of it. Now Opera has the same problem too.
What even enrages me more is, OperaGX, the for-gamers version of Opera, doesnt has this problem. I used OperaGx for a few months then quitted, because I'm no longer interested in gaming. And now I come back to this problem.
OperaGX: no auto-refresh, but only in dark theme and for gamers.
Opera: light theme, but freaking annoying with auto-refresh -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
There's https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-automatic-tab-dis/dnhngfnfolbmhgealdpolmhimnoliiok, but I didn't try it.
gdouglas last edited by
Opera keeps reloading tabs.
I'll give you until February 28 to restore Opera to the way it used to be and if not, it's uninstall and delete.
I take classes online and cannot have pages reloading every time I switch tabs because it locks me out of quizzes and tests and when doing homework when the page reloads it's counted as an attempt so if I have only two attempts to complete an assignment I just lost one attempt when the page reloads.
Opera is also useless for forums, because if you have to research something and come back to the tab it reloads and you lose everything you've typed.
Firefox doesn't do that.
gizmogadget last edited by gizmogadget
@burnout426 My Opera updated to version 74.0.3911.75, this introduced the "Snooze inactive tabs...." option which I found was snoozing tabs even if disabled.
I installed the "Disable automatic tab discarding" extension you suggested, it seems to be working ok - I will test it further and report back if it stops working or any problems arise. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@gizmogadget said in Opera refreshing pages automatically if background tab left for a certain time:
"Snooze inactive tabs...." option which I found was snoozing tabs even if disabled.
If you restarted Opera after disabling that option and a certain page still snoozed on you, could you post the URL of the page (and whether you were logged in etc.)? It might be something worth reporting.
gizmogadget last edited by
@burnout426 I disabled the extension, turned Snooze inactive tabs on and off a few times and restarted Opera a few times. Tabs were not snoozing. I enabled Snooze tabs, but now tabs would not snooze. I removed the extension and changed the settings again, still no snoozed tabs.
What the hell is going on? -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@gizmogadget said in Opera refreshing pages automatically if background tab left for a certain time:
What the hell is going on?
The feature might just be buggy. You can rule out profile issues though if you want. Do a test. Make a standalone installation to a folder named "Opera Test" on your desktop. Test in that Opera, but do not install any extensions or enable Opera Sync. If everything works fine there, it's problem an issue with your Preferences file and the new setting. If it still doesn't work there, the new feature problem just isn't working right.
gizmogadget last edited by leocg
Well, all was quiet on the tab snoozing front since my last post, even after Opera updated to 74.0.3911.107 – 2021-02-09.
Now today I only had two tabs open, and the tab I was using got snoozed, had only briefly gone to make a coffee. I closed that tab and the other one was snoozed as well.
I am going to keep my eyes on this, and if it happens again the extension is going back in. -
gizmogadget last edited by
Tabs still being snoozed, so reinstalled Automatic Tab Discarding extension. Will report back later.
gizmogadget last edited by
I left a few tabs open for 3 hours with the extension running, no tabs were snoozed, I'm keeping it installed.
Get the extension here:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disable-automatic-tab-dis/dnhngfnfolbmhgealdpolmhimnoliiok -