Opera Flashbang: Properly Stated.
squeakyaqueduct last edited by
However deeply embedded the causality of this pernicious anomaly, and however tough the engineering of the resolution - the empty containers that now stand as the grand total of all efforts by everyone to date - I propose, nonetheless, the above premises rest entirely on another premise, namely, Opera Software has defined Flashbang as a bug. Presently, this is not true, and this, this is the Opera Flashbang problem. The solution? Action framed and directed to establishing Flashbang as an Opera Software bug.
If you do not approve of having your working memory slagged frequently (with no upside) eg. every time you switch tabs, having your ocular tissues shocked by unpredictable and abrupt spasms and contractions or being subjected to punitive, disruptive intermittent negative neurological stimuli in precisely the same category as pollution emitted by the makers of shoddy appliances and devices, instigators of ceaseless smothering avalanches of advertising and spam, or pushy, mediocre, lockstep, taskmaster, wide-eyed, forced-labor timeclock-oriented, provincial, censored/limited/proprietary, restrictive, oppressive, repressive, manager-and-fee-friendly, out-of-the-box-workflow business software platforms from the likes of Adobe or Microsoft hardcoded exclusively with bright white and bright gray thematics and color schemes based on pig-headed thrusts to enforce perpetual conformance-based daylight labor blocs, mounted upon ridiculous self-serving malformed pseudo-archetypal quasi-scientific semilogical low-liability-incorporate manifestos that openly and actively oppress and denounce and exclude human activity occurring in environments not saturated with white and bright gray light eg. light text on a dark background, screens brighter than ambient overhead light, areas casting with even faint shadows, any person or (possible) action thereof within the sight lines (unblocked by manager-approved opaque materials such as walls, doors or cubicles) of any other (possible) person in your (possible) designated work area(s) (consult your manager) but not readily and entirely discernible by any other person at any time, then, I urge you to maintain a thesis that Opera Flashbang is a bug and refer to it often in your endeavors.
Clearly, I have implicitly assumed a sophisticated program with beaucoup graphics can be modified at a very high version to control the color (at least, to be black or to be white) of the main window area, in real time, whenever the area ever is is to be entirely one color, with at most containable local breakage of other functionality, maybe even a lot, but I do not believe such a change could lead to breaking a main module, engine or primary component, based on recognized programming architectures, computer science theory or mathematical principles. I suppose human error, be it only idiomatic, could lead to a grave level of required debugging close to catastrophic. Entire programs may need to be built to refactor and retest. I don't mind waiting. I love Opera. I don't need to know. Don't need any apology. I read more than my share of science news and fiction and we have made great progress. So many articles end with hopeful upticks about living longer, better; colony ships and empathy; accelerated evolution and quantum computers. Then these occasional late nights after long days I get flashbanged like I did 40 years ago by my Apple IIe.
Whatever the nature of one's story, one's data or any conjectures one may have, even at the level of unique irreproducible detailed scenarios, along with personal level of concern, experience or susceptibility, everyone can, and must, pass judgment on the actuality and acceptability of using a computer with a dark theme in the dark, then, as to the acceptability of sudden intermittent bright (white) screen (opera window web page area) flashes.
Doing otherwise risks more than how long a fix will take. You see, Opera Software may define Opera Flashbang as a non-bug. For example, the may define it as a feature. They may be leaning in that direction already, for whatever reasons (which could just as well be personal, benign or from lack of concern or understanding,) and then it will be a long uphill melee in the dark.
Many have, you may, and many probably will, make observations referencing Opera Flashbang assuming too much or too little. Be proactive. Be postactive - do what you can to redirect or repackage these activities, where even slim or premature information exists, so they bear weight on the formation of a bug definition. A formal, significant one leading to the a fast debugging start designed to persist and systemically eradicate all Flashbang instances.