[Solved]My Flow button Opera GX
jordan9312 last edited by leocg
Hello, I am both a Windows and Mac OS user. I use Opera in both (GX in Windows and normal in Mac OS)
When using My Flow in Mac OS, if you hit the Flow button in the right side of the search bar, it automatically sends the current page URL to My Flow. However, I haven't been able to achieve the same in Opera GX for Windows. Is there a way to manipulate this behavior? It is very intuitive to have it behave like in Mac OS
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@jordan9312 So you are clicking on the Flow button in address bar and the page link is not being send to your My Flow?
jordan9312 last edited by jordan9312
@leocg Yes, exactly. instead, it just opens the My Flow message tab
jordan9312 last edited by
@leocg It is. When I click the button in Opera GX, it opens the My Flow message and I have to copy and then paste the URL there.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@jordan9312 I've just tested here and everything is working as should.
Does it working in the other way, sending the link from Touch?
jordan9312 last edited by
@leocg Alright! So I just disconnected my phone and reconnected it again and it's back to normal! All good now! Thank you so much for the insight and quick response!