Opera buggy behavior (lots of screen artifacts)
withate33 last edited by
If this has been reported/resolved before - sorry, but I am unable to describe the problem in a way that would enable me to search the forums for resolution.
So this is my problem, getting more and more common:
(Note: I have blurred out tabs and bookmarks)
The disruptions appear randomly and looks like they are on "top layer" of the page - when selecting any text, highlight makes the text readable again, but after scrolling and cancelling selection the problem reappears. Restarting seems to have no effect on frequency of the bug appearing. Minimizing and restoring does not help at all. There are moments, when just scrolling up and down makes artifacts go away, but it is totally random and unpredictable.Only Opera is affected. I have no other software problems, it also does not look like I have any virus.
Any ideas or similar problems?
donq last edited by donq
Disable hardware acceleration in settings?
If that helps, consider upgrading video drivers.