[Request] Overlay scrollbars
stanislavstratil last edited by
Current scrollbars look out of place in the GX UI, or on some dark pages like dark themed youtube. Until recent update, I was using the flag to make my scrollbars overlay, but now as GX was updated to the version of normal Opera, the flag is gone and these ugly white/grey scrollbars are back.
I would suggest you, to make them slim, overlay and in the color of your GX color theme. In my case, there would be just slim purple overlay line on the side.
Here is an example of how it looks like now and how it could look.
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
Hi @stanislavstratil, try to run the Opera with the following switches:
--enable-features=OverlayScrollbar --disable-features=OverlayScrollbarFlashAfterAnyScrollUpdate,OverlayScrollbarFlashWhenMouseEnter
You can launch the Opera only with the 1st switch, if you don't mind about "blinking/flashes", while scrolling.
Please note, that this affects external webpages (not Opera's internal ones). -
stanislavstratil last edited by
@l33t4opera Great! Thank you, it works.
But my suggestion still apply, because I would like to see this as standard behaviour, and with GX colors, it would look better. -
stanislavstratil last edited by
@l33t4opera Well, there seems to be some problems with this solution actualy... It works, but only for new tabs. If I have some tabs from previous session that open on start up, or pinned tabs, there are no scroll bars at all for these.
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
@stanislavstratil You're welcome
Regading being this the default (standard) behaviour, I'm sorry, but I doubt it, since AFAIK the feature is already on the way to be removed from the flags, most probably also from the code by Chromium peeps.
Perhaps you can consider to use some extension, which can mimic similar scrollbars, and even let you customize it, e.g. colors, shadows etc. -
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
@stanislavstratil Regarding the previous session. I just checked it, and it works there as well. Maybe you haven't scrolled down the page to see it's changing? Here it works that way, for example on YouTube.
stanislavstratil last edited by
@l33t4opera I tried a few websites... and after launching the browser, there wasnt any scrollbar visible, and if I visited the same website in a new tab, there was a scrollbar. I could switch between these and one was with scrollbar and one wasnt. Maybe it has something to do with my configuration. Maybe UAC is the culprit, cause I recently turned it on, or something with my settings, I dont know.
But you mentioned some extension and I found this one https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scrollbar-customizer/flffekjijpabhjgpoapooggncnmcjopa
It works well for me so far, its a bummer that its not overlay, but I can customize the shape and color to match my browser, so Im quite ok with that.
l33t4opera last edited by
@stanislavstratil I see, maybe it's a matter of different settings in your Opera's profile, e.g.
, or other flags and switches. As I said, it can be hidden at first on some pages, when the page is loaded, but when you move your mouse down, or closer to the right edge, it should show up.Yep, using an extension seems to be a better solution, since it offers a bit of customization right away, and may provide you with the same "look and feel" in the future, without depending on the changes in the built-in feature.