[Solved]Help enabling VPN
frostydeeps last edited by leocg
Thanks in advance for any help on this. So i am trying to activate the VPN i see here --->
when i click that button it takes me to another page to download another Opera browser with VPN in it --->
Just wanting to make sure i am doing it right, seems weird to install a seperate Opera browser to just use a feature the the new Opera GX has? Any help on clearing this up would be greatly appreciated.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@frostydeeps Did you try the most obvious place to enable something in a software, that would be its settings page?
frostydeeps last edited by
@leocg Sorry you are right im new to the browser didnt find it till i went to the advanced tab that i failed to find to start with. Thank you for the help.