any way to search multiple search engines at once in Opera?
med1an1ck last edited by
what I need seems to be a very simple feature: to perform a search over a list of search engines simultaneously. Yet I wasn't able to find an add-on, a script or another method to achieve this.Any ideas?
lem729 last edited by
I couldn't find an add-on to work well for you. The only approach I can think of:
Pick a metasearch engine you want to use.
Go to the website for one of the metasearch engines, for example, Monster Crawler, and right click on the search bar. Add it to Opera. Notice the one or two letter code that you need to type from the main Opera address bar with that engine. For Monster Crawler, it would probably just be an "m"
And then you type the code [space] [your search query] from the main Opera address bar.
lem729 last edited by
No extension do it, that I could find. I tried for you
Now, I could have missed something, so you can look too. And even it's not currently available, it could be done in the future with an extension. Post your wish for that meta-search in the Opera Add-on forum, to let developers know what people want.
For the moment, if you want to do a meta-search, just go to the website of the search in question, right click on the search bar, to add the search engine to Opera, and note the letter of the relevant code to type before the search query. Then just type the code letter(s) [space] before the search query. With one letter, you can most often get a search of three or four engines in one shot. That's still -- in my book -- a pretty good bargain.