Duplicate tabs feature request
EvryGama last edited by
Dear all,
it often happens to me that I get to a page and just want to duplicate it, because there is some useful information and I want to het to anothere
subpage of the same homepage. At the moment I first need to copy the URL and open a new Tab and than paste the URL and to search for the subpage again.And it get' s even worse; Now for example I want to troubleshoot a technical problem on a webpage (paypal) and found a description on how to solve it. So I really often need to change the tabs to see the complex description and
solve it on the other subpage...Could you please consider to build in a duplicate tab feature? As far as I
know all android browsers are lacking in missing this now standard PC browser feature, so you would be one of the first to have this feature.Please think about itοΌI am a long year Opera user and fan and I know that one of all browser companies you have often been one of the first to be
implementing new featuresLike the great sidebar on PC with the implementation of several messengers
Kind regards your fan
Riccardo Pierucci