What percentage of people are adapting well to the new Opera?
lem729 last edited by
We cannot even use the opera 12 tab changing logic - from presently in focus to previously in focus tab, but have to go through (ctrl+tab) every open web page tab to get the last one previously looked at>
You can! opera://flags/#activation-order-tab-cycling You could search for the solution, but it's easier to post a rant here isn't it?
I took a closer look at the Classic Tabs extension that I recommended in my last post. It specifically provides the option for when you close a tab, the last active tab before it to be activated. So it seems like you have a choice between the classic tabs extension or the opera://flags approach.
lem729 last edited by
Not the way one would like it. Hopefully in the future something will be done. It's a problem in Chrome and in Opera.
One approach that sometimes works is to delete the extension, and then add it again to the browser. Sometimes then an icon that might have been four away from fthe far right of on the icon bar, shows up at the far right -- which is what you might be aiming for. At other times -- not sure why -- it ends up in the old spot.
uggrak last edited by
Why would I want several different add-ons/extensions to do small but important things with there own little icon I have to click on every time?
Question: did you find a browser where you don't need to do that?Actually yes, well, almost anyway, Cyberfox, it has a lot of the features that Opera 12.17 had, tho you still need a few extensions, like mouse gestures, but you can configure them A LOT, I can get "Open link in tab".
Actually, that is the only extension so far that has anything to do with that sort of things.It also has some features that are not available In this new Opera with extensions.
Like the popup window when scrolling though tabs (invaluable) with right+wheel or ctrl+tab.
A real sidebar with bookmarks or history. Quick access to bookmarks with keyboard shoortcuts, A REAL bookmarks manager.But, it also misses some things that I liked with this new opera, like the Stash function, I did come to like that for links to pages that I will come back to, but will not need to save in bookmarks.
Also the better Speed-Dial page.Probobly forgot something in either way. But I will still keep Opera Next and 12.17 just in case, well Next mostly so I can keep up with what is happening.
A Former User last edited by
Too bad about the extension icons, but that is not a big deal. I have now tried xmarks sync, and it it completely useless. With 3-4 machines synced it always ends in a mess, then stop syncing.
I have backed up adr from version 12, so have to find someway to import that again in this one.
Deleted User last edited by
bobman, if you still have Opera 12 on your computer and load Opera Stable, you should be able to use the bookmark importer to load the bookmarks onto the bookmarks bar and speeddial. You can then copy Stable bookmarks to Next or Developer. Likewise you could set up Chrome or Chromium and import your old Opera bookmarks thru html import and then copy those bookmarks over to Opera Stable, Next or Developer. Either way, go to appdata/roaming and copy bookmarks and bookmarks.bak from chrome, chromium, or Opera Stable profile into the Opera Next or Developer Profile. Hope this helps.
And about the extension icons, if you uninstall Opera and erase all appdata and programs folders, and install a fresh copy, just install extensions in the order you want the icons to appear. The only way I've found that works for me. I keep the profile backed up in case I need to do this and then copy only the pertinent files back over, Bookmarks, Login Data, favorites(speeddial), etc.
Deleted User last edited by
I'm still totally bummed out, after a year and several tries over that period, by the new Opera. I am still using the 12.16 x64 platform. That means putting up with a lot because it sometimes crashes (printing is one cause of that), and more and more web pages (but still a small fraction) are incompatible. At least I have the "in Firefox" button to quickly deal with incompatible pages. Firefox isn't adequate either, but much closer to my needs than the present Opera.
Believe me, I would change to the new platform in a heartbeat if it were the more efficient choice for me. The Chrome platform is probably OK for casual browsing, but not for the serious work I do on-line.
Opera needs a toolbar, or the ability to add tools to the address bar. In particular:
I want to deep-six Speed Dial and have a homepage button (and the ability to specify a homepage). My homepage system is my primary access to the Internet (much better for me than bookmarks), apart from searches.
I need plus, minus and 100% zoom button where I can see and click them, not buried in a menu that adds a click or a keystroke. Type sizes on the web are all over the map, and I am constantly zooming.
I need a kill button to get rid of extraneous page content for less distracted viewing or for printing. I was an add-on for earlier Opera buttons, and is an optional toolbar feature in Firefox.
Stash is not as good as the former Tab-Vault add-on. Stash would be passable if it were an icon or button on the address bar instead of taking up one tab space (a waste of space). Tab-Vault has not been updated for the Chrome platform, and the author is not interested in investing the time (to the chagrin of many dedicated users who have posted to his site).
As someone commented earlier, there should be an option to have a standard file etc. menu line on the top row. Although this would take a row of screen space, for me that would be a wise investment for the functionality that is common to the other programs I use. Also, I have a utility that displays a digital clock and my amount of free memory on that line, just to the left of the Window control buttons there (i.e. minimize, etc.). It is particularly when web browsing with a lot of tabs open that I need the free memory display.
Finding extensions is a huge time sink. The search feature on the extensions page is inadequate, and I have been unable to find a forum or site that that highlights a lot of utilitarian ones (as opposed to the fluffy stuff). Any recommendations for such info sources would be appreciated for my next attempt at new-Opera in a month or two.
It is really saddening and VERY frustrating that Opera is no longer the professional tool it once was. I've got to say that I'm with Uggrak, Alloyt00 and some others here -- there are different levels of use for web browsers, and while new-Opera works for some users it just doesn't for others. I wish it did for me -- it just doesn't. There is a huge void for us in the browser market. I hope Opera can fill it again some day.
lem729 last edited by
Try the homepage in new tab extension
And if you need it, the Custom new tab page.
On the menu, for most people, just pressing the alt key (one small key, right next to where your fingers are on the keyboard opens the Opera menu. It's like simple. Or press alt + f for a keyboard shortcut if just the alt key doesn't work for you.
On zooming, activate the advanced keyboard shortcuts. 0 increases zoom size, 9 decreases it, and 6 (I believe) returns you to the default start.
lem729 last edited by
On cutting distraction from Web Pages, I think the Opera extension Clearly does that. https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/clearly/?display=en
Here's a discussion of Clearly (as a Chrome extension), but since it's been ported to Opera, and I gave you the Opera link, it has the same features, so the discussion may be helpful to you. http://www.techerator.com/2012/01/clearly-chrome-browser-extension-cuts-distractions-from-web-pages/
On the zoom feature you were concerned about, I found a Chrome extension you might like, if you prefer something other than using the keyboard shortcuts. See
It gives you a scrolling bar, for zooming, and more.To download a Chrome Extension, you do need the Opera Extension, Download Chrome extension
https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/?display=enOr Extension Source Viewer
https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/extension-source-viewer?display=enYou can install this, and if you don't like it, uninstall.
biggerabalone last edited by
On cutting distraction from Web Pages, I think the Opera extension Clearly does that. https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/clearly/?display=en
Here's a discussion of Clearly (as a Chrome extension), but since it's been ported to Opera, and I gave you the Opera link, it has the same features, so the discussion may be helpful to you. http://www.techerator.com/2012/01/clearly-chrome-browser-extension-cuts-distractions-from-web-pages/
On the zoom feature you were concerned about, I found a Chrome extension you might like, if you prefer something other than using the keyboard shortcuts. See
It gives you a scrolling bar, for zooming, and more.
To download a Chrome Extension, you do need the Opera Extension, Download Chrome extension
Or Extension Source Viewer
You can install this, and if you don't like it, uninstall.nice picks:)
wcolwell last edited by
I'm drifting back to the Opera blog and forums from time to time to see how new Opera is evolving, but in the meantime settling back into Firefox as my main browser. I guess I should let the Opera updates start flowing into one machine too so I can check progress firsthand off and on (I had frozen at v20).
There are a number of features of new Opera which I consider best in class:
speed (better even than Chrome, I think, as it has less baggage; of course, some of the Chrome baggage is rather nice)
font rendering (with extension "Opera Font Rendering by thunder13"); I had this running in Chrome too but Chrome now blocks extensions from outside their store
Opera's Speed Dial is very slick (Firefox extension Fast Dial is a good substitute though)
I'm waiting for better bookmark support and sync before considering Opera for my main browser (or recommendation to friends and family).
I'm glad to see Opera now expanding latest versions to Linux. Maintaining the same browser experience across 6+ machines (through sync; some Win7, some Linux) is important to me.
wcolwell last edited by
For those sometimes using Chrome, there is now a Chrome extension (A+ Font Rendering Enhancer for Chrome) based off the Opera Font Rendering by thunder13 extension, so that runs in Chrome w/o being blocked now. There's another one called "Deblur" which may also help.
rh99 last edited by
Is there any way of being in Full Screen and entering a new URL? Normally it Alt_D to bring up the Address Bar where you type in the new URL. But with the newest Opera, Google Chrome, Iron this doesn't work. Is there an extension for this perhaps?
supernicknick last edited by
when im in fullscreen i simply move the mouse to the top and the bar slides back in. Im using Firefox.
sablatnic last edited by
Still using 12.17 as my primary browser, and Firefox, Chrome og whatever as secondary. Have just spent a couple of hours testing some bookmark manager add ons. Any of you know of any GOOD ones?
rh99 last edited by
To supernickn,
when im in fullscreen i simply move the mouse to the top and the bar slides back in. Im using Firefox.
Works in Firefox. Doesn't in Opera 22.0.
hiysxgt last edited by
I tried hard to move, but I can't. Still use 12.16 - it's environment. I turn it on and off with computer, I live there. Opera 23 is useful, when something went wrong in 12. It's an app, I enter, do things and exit. Yes, it's getting better from version to version. But so slow and so ignorant to people's requests. People asked for Bookmarks, what they did? A panel! In a year!
Some say here, that I can use extension for Download Manager. But why? I have an external Download Manager for the strange situations, why do I need to plug something into browser? Why is it ugly by default?
Or, like I can install an extensions for this, for that and it will look great - it's not! I barely use Opera 23, it totally stuffed with plugins and still far from being even good. By the way, if I want ton of extensions, why should I use Opera? Because of the "revolutionary Stashes"?I am still here because I am waiting. I am a dumb fan.
PS: I like Stashes
But it's not replacement for the Bookmarks or something else.
Deleted User last edited by
There is no way Opera is going to please everyone. I happen to like the new Opera and the direction in which the company is now taking it. Unfortunately you do not. In time you will discover that Opera 12 will not only not work but will present security risks. If I were you, I would try and adapt to the new browser. If that is impossible, consider Seamonkey which is an updated but older-looking suite with a passing similarity to Opera Presto.
gridsleep last edited by
Not adapting well at all. Your lack of foresight has made this program unusable to me. I have over four megabytes of bookmarks and the chrome bookmark toolbar is totally useless under those circumstances. You decided to sell out to google rather than continue developing something unique. I am the worse for it. I shall continue to use 12.17 even though it locks up and the plugin controller becomes more and more ornery. Eventually I will probably go back to Thunderbird or perhaps Safari. I really don't care who else is happy with this. You have failed me.