uBlock Origin
CODplayer69696969 last edited by
@daltonmillett: yes but everyone can just disable easy list while we wait for the devs to fix it
GrimReaper1872 last edited by
espero no la quiten, sirve mucho para las paginas que abusan de los anuncios.
ceil420 last edited by
I like this ad blocker so much, I stopped using Googs browser when they disallowed its use. Long live uBO!
tremstarr last edited by
Stopped working for YouTube a week ago. Basically as useless as YouTube is now.
Balayooong last edited by
My Current version is 117.0.5408.67 is this the updated one? YouTube is detecting it.
Rihailla last edited by
@tremstarr try to disable Opera Ad Blocker while running uBlock origin, it fixed things for me
ddkapps last edited by ddkapps
@Rihailla Thank you! I couldn't figure out why Ublock was suddenly unable to function when watching YT vids in Opera, when it works fine on all other browsers. Then I saw your post and thought, no way, it can't be that simple... But it is. Yes that's right, to block ads you have to tell Opera not to block ads! Not to worry, as long as you do this with Ublock enabled you still won't see any ads, in fact you'll see less ads. It's freakin' ridiculous! I have to say that I am totally disgusted with Opera at this point, they get consistently worse with each new update. The only thing preventing me from switching to a new browser is the inconvenience of re-logging in to all the sites I use regularly. Honestly, WTF Opera? And they will probably ban me again for this post. Frankly I could care less if they do. They seem to be trying hard to actively drive people away from their product, for reasons that are totally unclear to me.
John30011887 last edited by
Since Chrome now disabled this its time for Opera to shine since this extension works perfect here