szelleem last edited by
Unfortunately it doesn't work with the DeeoL translator, even though it's much better than google!!!!
Leosault last edited by
DeepL doesn't work which is a shame because it's vastly superior than Google
Gabezg last edited by
Good, the only reason for not giving 5 stars is that the translation of entire pages could be more accessible (like in Chrome for example), but it's still a great extension.
Oldfan last edited by
Where is a button for/in toolbar to translate any active page or show translate in a comment not in default language like in facebook or using edge.
Franwhoneverstops last edited by
@opdeit: Why not apps have nothing to do with politics don"t punish a develloper because of a man
Franwhoneverstops last edited by
@ShunnedCloud7 I took the translation tool out of my sidebar yesterday did not use it enough. Just go back to manage extentions I had two extentions that were not there had to just re-instate them. Hope this helps