[Solved]Can't use SaveFrom downloader on YouTube, all of a sudden.
A Former User last edited by leocg
I've been downloading just fine with the SaveFrom.net extension. (Love my little green arrow.) But now it has stopped working on YouTube, and all I get is "download interrupted: Forbidden" errors.
The files themselves can be downloaded (I used 9xBuddy.com, no problems), and the SaveFrom downloaders still works on FaceBook. But no luck on YT. I tried signing out, and that worked for like one download, then back to the same problem. Help?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@buf4wil Does it work in other browsers? Did you already contacted the extension authors? What did they say?
Since downloading videos is not exactly allowed by YouTube, it's not uncommon that such extensions stop working eventually when YouTube makes some change for example.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg No, as I only use the extension on Opera, after verifying that the files were downloadable and the extension worked on other sites, I thought it might be an Opera problem and thus I came here.
As of now, it's gone back to working. Perhaps YT threw up some new change and the extension-makers have already adapted? I honestly don't have a clue. But it's the first time this has happened in literally YEARS of usage, so I was thrown.
I'll keep you up to date, I guess.