Flashplayer not working
zibi1981 last edited by
@sgfdhsg You have to replace the original libffmpeg.so located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/ with the one extracted from Chromium browser if I remember correctly.
pindos last edited by
@zibi1981 , yes you are right! Chromium's libffmpeg.so is in /usr/lib/chromium-browser.
A Former User last edited by
@pindos @leocg @zibi1981 Thanlk you all.
I don't have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera. Opera is installed to /usr/lib64/opera.
In /usr/lib/chromium-browser i have a libffmpeg.so but it's a symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/libffmpeg.so which is a symbolic link to the file in /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/libffmpeg.so.fedora.I copid the libffmpeg.so.fedora to the folder of opera as libffmpeg.so but nothing changed....
pindos last edited by
@sgfdhsg , sometimes it is useful to clear browsing data. Navigate to opera://settings/clearBrowserData and check "Content settings" in Advanced tab. This helped me to make Flash working.
A Former User last edited by
@zibi1981 Something to note: snap sandboxes apps (and therefore Opera, if installed via snap) to their own little folder inside snap on the root of the drive. This means that Opera cannot interact with Flash, as it is NOT installed in Opera's snap. That's why --no-sandbox fixes it: Opera can find Flash as it is not restricted to their own little space. At least, I think that's how it works.
A Former User last edited by
Hello guys
Using Opera in the Deepin Manjar or Deeplin ArcLinux occurs the same situation. Adobe flash player plugins do not work on Opera, Google Chrome and Vivaldi
Browsers that are running at the moment without any problem are Firefox and Chromium
Adobe flash player and pepperflash are in their most recent version, being
Does anyone have any tips on how to reestablish the functionality of adobe flash player in Opera using the Distros mentioned above?
Follow some Opera images on some sites that have the plugin available and do not work.
Your Considerations
A Former User last edited by
Linux developers and owners of browsers need to understand that the novice and novice user, when browsing any page, wants the adobe flash player application to work until the date of its definitive closure. The application is still active and many web pages contain the plugin. What to do for this people to understand this (!?)
A Former User last edited by
@pindos Thank you, I tried, nothing changed...
Today I updated the flash to but no change....
A Former User last edited by
There is not such thing as deepin manjaro or deepin arch.
Are you on deepin, which is debian based, or in manjaro, which is arch based?
If you are on something that is arch based, ppapi (pepper) flash plugin malfunction is related to the bug that loup001 said at the first messages of the topic.I agree for the second part, but allow me to post an experience I had last year. For some reason and for a couple of days, my firefox was failing to play html5 streams and it was falling back to flash when it was available. The browser's performance was so awful that once I got it to play the streams as html5, I immidiately disabled flash so as I won't deal with that crappy performance again.
A Former User last edited by
I have a "similar", but a "different" problem. Flash player is installed and is detectable, but it doesn't work only in Opera. As you guys can see in the screenshots below, the same websites working fine in Chrome (on left side) and the problem occurring on Opera (on right side). So... this is a BIG question mark, it just doesn't make sense. I hope somebody can help me. Thank you in advance.
PS: Twitch.tv never asked me to allow Flash Player to watch it in Chrome, I don't why Opera just doesn't work.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@Lotts First, Chrome has its own built-in Flash, so Chrome isn't exactly the best browser to compare with when talking about Flash. It would be better to compare with another Chromium based browser like Vivaldi, for example.
One thing you could (and should) try is going to opera://settings/content/flash and isable Flash. Main serious sites don't need it anymore.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Adding to the above, twitch uses a combination of flash, for the player, and html5 (h264), for the stream, so do not use it to judge opera if you do not have chromium ffmpeg codecs installed and working, at the very least.
And the above reason is the one I have never watched twitch inside a browser, because, let's be honest, that flash + html5 combination is trash.
Also, are you on snap opera or on the deb one? This is a trick question that will trigger a lot of other answers
A Former User last edited by
@leocg I can't do that since I use some websites that uses Flash.
@jimunderscorep Chrome was working for the majority of websites that I visit, but a few was problematic and it didn't work properly, so I had to switch between Chrome and Firefox everytime I wanted to visit a specific website. I installed chromium ffmpeg via snap and now Chrome is working 100%. I want to migrate to Opera, though... Just to try something new.
I downloaded Opera on the official website which is the deb version.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Yeah... But I can do nothing since they're using it yet :/. I don't know what they'll do in the future, but probably they'll use Flash until it's no longer possible.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg Yeah, it doesn't work.
Screenshot with Flash blocked:
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Please remind me again what distro you are on. Ubuntu? If so, do you have chromium ffmpec codecs installed?
The black box on twitch.tv is because of opera's poor codec support, h264 in this case. I have the same one here.On the other window, with the flash elements... no idea. But flash works for me as seen above
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@jimunderscorep Yes, Ubuntu 19.04. Yes, I did install chromium ffmpec codecs today via snap (sudo snap install chromium-ffmpeg).