Please add C <-> F and F <-> C conversion in the search pop-up
richbordoni last edited by
As the title says. The search pop-up is extraordinarily useful and one of Opera's best features in my opinion. It just seems like a glaring omission not to include temperature conversion as I feel that is an extremely common conversion that people look up.
Thanks for listening!
richbordoni last edited by richbordoni
@leocg Oh, I see.
Looks like it only works with < [number] ° [C or F] > as in < 21 °C >. It doesn't work with < [number] [C or F] > as in < 21 C > which is far more common to run into. I had to search two different weather websites before I ran into the < [number] ° [C or F] > format.
Also, this might be a lot more complicated to implement, but it would be nice if it would also convert just < [number] ° > as in < 21° >. That is a very common format as well. Obviously Opera wouldn't know if it was in C or F so it would have to give both conversions, so not sure if that would be something the devs would ever want to implement...
But I would really like to see < [number] [C or F] > implemented because that's very common. I had to specifically look up how to type the degrees symbol (and I wasn't even able to on my laptop, I had to copy + paste it) so many times the degrees symbol will just be omitted.
richbordoni last edited by
@richbordoni Also I just realized that < [number] ° [Celsius or Fahrenheit] > as in < 21 ° Celsius > doesn't work either. Nor does < [number] [Celsius or Fahrenheit] > as in < 21 Celsius > obviously.
Although that may be an issue that deserves a new thread because, for instance, something like < 75 kilometers per hour > doesn't work either. It has to be < 75 km/h > which seems like an arbitrary constraint.
richbordoni last edited by richbordoni
To make my previous posts easier to understand, here are all the common temperature formats and which ones work/don't work (test for yourself):
21 °C or 21°C or 21° C
21 C or 21C
21 Celsius or 21Celsius(also other conversions don't work if you write out the full units instead of the abbreviation, like 21 kilometers per hour vs. 21 km/h)
21°It's kind of a limited feature if only one format works.