[Solved]Tab preview does not clear
pjrader1 last edited by
I'm having this problem as well. It's very annoying. It won't go away unless I quit opera. For now I have to manually open a new window and copy the URL to the new window instead of dragging the tab out.
klage765 last edited by
Same problem, when I drag a tab to anywhere. The (thumbnail) preview of this tab won't go away, and display "alway on top". I have to force quit the opera.
Even after I re-open Opera, the issue still exists!
Please fix this bug.
A Former User last edited by
OK, I have submitted the issue as a bug. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't the only one with this problem.
jtonic last edited by
I am having the same issue on latest Opera version
. It is quite annoying this issue.
Was it opened an issue? Can we know its number? -
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@kmielczarczyk Here you go: DNAWIZ-58249
In my case this was on macOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra), with Opera Version: 60.0.3255.56. -
A Former User last edited by
I'm having the same issue. Very frustrating, as it's difficult to get anything done with these previews everywhere. I ran malware scans on my laptop, uninstalled and reinstalled Opera on my laptop, and removed extensions I don't uses frequently to potentially improve performance, and the issue still persists. I am glad to see I am not the only person with this problem. I use Opera as my main browser, so a solution to this as soon as possible would be ideal. Please fix this bug, I'm running Opera version 60.0.3255.59. I've submitted a bug report as well. Thank you.
DonJabonoso last edited by
I have the same issue, MacOS 10.14.4 (Mojave), Opera version: 60.0.3255.59.
Please fix it, it's very annoying. -
awc last edited by
I am also having the same problem.
I had it with 58.0.3135.132 and it remains in 60.0.3255.59 on MacOS 10.14.4
GreenVomit8 last edited by
I have the same issue, MacOS 10.14.4 (Mojave), Opera version: 60.0.3255.59.
kmielczarczyk Opera last edited by
Thank you for your reports. The problem was solved and backported to Stable branch. The fix will be available with the next provided update.
macfreek last edited by macfreek
Same here. I reported it yesterday as DNAWIZ-58596, feel free to close that as duplicate.
Any clue when the new version is released. In the mean time I downloaded get.opera.com/ftp/pub/opera/desktop/58.0.3135.90/mac/, and disabled auto-updated, as described on this forum.
Now, all I have to do is restore all user-settings and extensions, as I deleted those in the process of debugging
️. Annoying little critter this bug
. Grrr
A Former User last edited by
ty so much everyone for reporting and the pending fix.
I too am very anxious and wondering when will it release?It's so frustrating having to force quit so often with this.
Somewhat related - I find in order to allow keeping the warnings on closing a window (definitely want to be warned closing lots of tabs), that I am not able to use apple-quit on mac to quit all windows on Opera. Instead, I have to go to activity monitor and force quit. Am I right this is the only way ?thank you all
A Former User last edited by
With latest update (60.0.3255.70), this problem appears to have been fixed.