Repository updating fails due to Origin value change
A Former User last edited by
I'm running Ubuntu 18.04. When I ran Synaptic today to update my system, the following showed up:
[b]Repository ' stable
InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from 'Opera Software
ASA' to 'Opera Software AS'[/b]This stopped the update from Opera unless I explicitly allowed it. Naturally, I didn't.
Seems something's wrong on your side that needs fixing. Unless you really have changed to Opera Software AS.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
If you look in the address bar, it tells you the certificate for the forums is from Opera Software AS (in Norway), and it's been like that for a while. Not sure why it took them that long to update the repository, but the name is correct. If they'll actually show you the certificate info you could check that, but otherwise it looks right.
A Former User last edited by
Ah, thanks. Shows that I don't look at the address certificates as often as I should.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@jimunderscorep In a terminal run "sudo apt update" (no quotes). It'll warn you and ask you if you want to agree to the change. Type in "y", then it'll complete.
Obviously, the above is for Ubuntu and those that use sudo. If you use a normal root, then type in "su" and when asked your root's pass, then "apt update" (or apt-get update).
A Former User last edited by
@gort Thanks. "apt" does indeed ask the question, whereas "apt-get" just aborts.