cannot get Opera Mail to work. Server Settings Pic is attached
opera999 last edited by
I have downloaded Opera Mail & I am trying to get it to work with my 2 Gmail addresses. Here is a picture of the server info. Did I not do something right?
thank you in advance for any help! image url)0_1536012245759_CANT_CONNECT_SERVERS_MOD.jpg I was asked to repost this without caps in the subject/title. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
In, the pic shows that you created a POP account, but changed the POP server name to the GMAIL imap server. This won't work.
Delete the account in Opera and try again. If you use your gmail address in the new account wizard, Opera will automatically fill in the right settings. It'll do that whether you choose POP or IMAP. IMAP is usually what you want, especially in the case of Gmail.
But, make sure that you go to and enable IMAP. You'll also have to go to and enable less-secure apps. Or, you can enable 2-step verification and set up an app password for Opera Mail and use that for the incoming and outgoing server passwords in Opera Mail.