Switch to 20, but keep 12.6
lolitia last edited by admin
I have 12.6, but want to try 20. How do I keep 12.6 while trying out 20?
[Thread closed as a duplicate of Can I have more than 1 version of Opera on my PC?]
lem729 last edited by admin
We have some people saying you need to install Opera 20 or 21 in the same directory/folder as Opera 12.xxx or the bookmarks importer for Opera 20/21 won't work. Ideally, you want to be able to get the Opera 12 bookmarks into the new Opera. The issue of that Bookmark Importer is a bit unclear. It seems
to say the least temperamental, and I'm still puzzling on what would make it certain to work.
lem729 last edited by admin
This is a good post to look at by leocg. He has a view on getting Bookmark Importer to work that may be the key