Opera Touch - Flow with more devices
firipu last edited by
Cannot agree more. I use about 3 desktop/laptops daily because of work. It sucks so hard I can't flow to all 3 of them.
A Former User last edited by
I'm using a laptop and an Android phone. Doesn't have problem with flow. But i gotta agree, flow needed to be flowing with more than one pc.
Touch really good on one hand, but it could be much better if it have Opera Coast swipe to back and forth feature. Really helpful if it had that feature. -
schtekaren last edited by
One of Flow's features it you do not need a Opera account to flow things between devices, but it would be fantastic if it worked with an Opera account aswell. If you are logged in to a Opera account you should be able to enable Flow with it and access Flow from all devices you log in with the same Opera account.
A Former User last edited by
@firipu said in Opera Touch - Flow with more devices:
Cannot agree more. I use about 3 desktop/laptops daily because of work. It sucks so hard I can't flow to all 3 of them.
It would be best, if Opera had created a sophisticated system, where you could manage your bookmarks, speed dials and flows together.
Unfortunately they decided to make bookmarks unavailable in Opera Touch, split speed dials per device without any management option and decided to make flow a new thing limited to two devices. I hope they will wake up and finally give us one unified sophisticated solution.
Years ago Opera was well known for bringing cool new features and improved the browsing experience with each verison - nowadays I am quite afraid of every new version, as they neglect power features and tend to fix things that ain't broken.
Well, hope dies last ... ^^
A Former User last edited by
@auenarel it might sound unfair, but Flow seems to be pretty useless as "standalone replacement for bookmarks" - just deactivated it.
simonjanosbalint last edited by
It's a very good idea, it's an amazingly bad developing / implementation.
I could not connect more smartphones. It should be basically and fast.
Take the company an example of Firefox's great feature: Send Tab to (multiple!) Device !!! -
ronconiandrea last edited by
I STRONGLY agree: furthermore, you could use the Flow to copy and transfer instantly texts and links between PCs, for me it could be an awesome feature.
A Former User last edited by
multiple devices via single flow - without it its kinda useless feature
make opera great again @_@
A Former User last edited by
So, I completely agree with this! I actually shifted back into Opera today. I use the Note 8 and with Chrome removing their address bar at the bottom option, Opera Touch seemed to be the best option after some research for day to day use-ability. I was curious about the Flow feature also and shifted into Opera at my work setup as well.
However, I am now consider looking at other options because when I reach back home, I both have a Desktop setup as well as a Macbook and Windows tablet that I keep switching between as required. I also use a Blackberry KeyOne for work purposes, and wanted Flow on that as well.
I think the only way this feature would be a true success if we could add several more devices and some kind of search/ categorization/ filter (by date, originator) up-top.
For the time being, I'll stick to Safari and Chrome on the computers, but still use Opera Touch for the phone. -
A Former User last edited by
has Opera officially answered in any way to this request?
will they further develop Flow in the immediate future to work with more devices at once? -
blah last edited by
+1! wth?? This is a fantastic invention, but it's completely unusable if I can't have one central flow that I can add to from all my devices!
A Former User last edited by
Yea, this is just a really missed opportunity. Such a shame, great features, but lack core functionality.
giacomorutili last edited by
I totally agree with you!
I love Opera touch (well, it could be better for usability) but I need flow to works with many devices.
And I don't like the focus on search when I start a new tabs. Why two clicks to open a favourite site in the speed dial? It's a non sense -
A Former User last edited by
Opera has listened to us and made changes always. They just launched the new opera touch. Give them some time to implement our suggestions. I am sure they will.
A Former User last edited by
Hello. We're working on the possibility of using multiple devices and it will be available in the near future. Please stay tuned.