Leave the text cursor where it is when mouse leaves iframe
my1xt last edited by
there are enough pages that use iframes for e.g. writing comments. one of the most well-known things for those is probably Disqus, and one thing that is REALLY annoying is that when I e.g. move my mouse of the way (and by that usually out of that iframe) the text cursor disappears and the text input goes into opera itself, possibly triggering a few shortcuts as well, can someone PLEASE make it so the text input stays active?
my1xt last edited by my1xt
okay, because usually when I use disqus I have this, for example here:
scroll down clock into disqus and move your mouse out of the iframe (e.g. the far left or right). the text coursor should disappear and you being unable to write stuff anymore until you click in again.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Ask the website, disqus does not behave like that on other sites, such as on Opera's blogs. Try here: http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2018/01/opera-50-0-2762-67-stable-update/