Better way to copy URL of the current page
kyu3 last edited by
I think it is better to change how to copy URL of the current page. Like this!
Because the current way is not easy to know it. Not intuitive.
current way (※screenshot) → -
lem729 last edited by
I definitely have had in the past a hard time copying the url in Coast for Ipad. I used to to generate an email, to copy it from there, which is a bit laborious, and though I think I have figured out the problem, it's not intuitive. Maybe Opera needs to provide clearer instructions.
First you need to close the page (whose address you want to copy), by clicking the place with the nine squares at the middle bottom of the web page. Then you click the three small squares on the bottom right, and you get a smaller version of the webpage (we can call it the tab), that has a v (with an oblique angle) on the bottom left (in the small red border), If I slow press on it, there's an address one can copy. I then wold slow press on that address, and one see the words Copy and the address repeated, so I thought at first that I had to press on it (the word "copy and the address") to make the copy. Go to the place -- let's say in the Opera forum where I want to put the address -- and paste it. Alas, nothing would show up. The problem is, I think, it's a toggle. When it said Copy, I didn't have to press again (the copy had been put out there for me to paste somewhere) but lol, I thought I did have to press on the spot a second time to get the copy, and I would seemingly toggle the copy off, and when I went elsewhere to paste, I would get nothing.
lem729 last edited by
No, I think I give on this, after trying today. Copying the urls is a struggle. If I'm in Coast and need to resaerch something, and then copy a url, I open another browser -- maybe Puffin-- where I can relatively easily copy the link back to Coast. It ought to be easier and more reliable than it is in Coast to copy a link with Coast.