W10 Update Cripples Opera
k10rhm last edited by
I'm running the latest version of Opera (ver 48) and installed the following W10 update this morning;
2017-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4041676)
The result was a crippled Opera installation with most of the files removed from the Opera directory, but not deleted to Recycle Bin.
It appears the W10 update is directly responsible as I have not made any other changes to my installation.
Thought you should know.
blackbird71 last edited by
Were the files removed from the Opera program folder and/or from the user's profile folder?
A Former User last edited by
Yup same here but opera works but I'm now getting told I was redirected to many time or sites just wont load blank tab page site I went to before the update worked perfectly seem to be now encountering nothing but problems
this website for SkyrimSE mods http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/? tells me "This page isn't working" and that I've been redirected to many times what a crock of shize it worked yesterday morning it works in both chrome and edge it seem Opera is the only one being crippled here
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
FWIW, I just installed this update and have no issues with Opera. Opera was installed in "C:\Program Files\Opera" and it's still there and works fine.
blackbird71 last edited by
@k10rmh, this seems to be a sporadically reported problem with various Win10 updates and various application programs. In fact, in some circles, it's almost a standing joke that Microsoft uses Win10 to censor one's choice of apps by removing certain of them fully or partially. Some Win10 updates seem to cause more reported episodes of deleted apps files than others, though most users experience the problem at all. Given the frequency of Windows updates, the clumping of them into rollups, and Win10's lack of user control over updating, it is much more adviseable now than in the past to frequently back up one's system, but especially its apps data and settings files.
@athlonite, there seems to be a similar problem of 'too many redirections' being reported by a few users of other chromium-based browsers as well. It actually seemed to start occurring in various forum reports a few weeks back, so it may be that a chromium engine update to the browsers, a Windows update, or both acted to create a situation on certain user systems that triggers this problem. In the 5 or 6 reports I've seen here and at Vivaldi, there seems no pattern of clearing the problem other than 'resetting' a user profile, and whether that actually works or users simply fail to report further or the 'fix' is temporary remains unclear.
I believe many of these kinds of issues are triggered by the hyper-complexity of current computer hardware, operating systems, standardized protocols and applications programs. There are simply now so many permutations and combinations of interaction that fully testing and debugging all of them for compatibility has become horrific in expense and time consumed. Some companies are now doing much of their debugging using consumer versions out in the field (Microsoft, particularly with Windows 10) before unleashing them on their business customers. However, given the frequency of updating of current OS's, browser engines, and anti-malware products continually stirring the pot, such 'user debugging' in the field falls well short of producing a reliable product for all users.
A Former User last edited by
I'm going to try the delete the profile and have opera create a new one fix for most things will get back and let ya know if it worked or not fingers crossed and knock on wood break a leg blah blah luck stuff LOL