Can't disable ClearType
baharmf93 last edited by admin
Clear type font can be disabled only in 32b. Windows 7.
Now, in actual version no. 44 there isn't this dialog: "opera://flags/#disable-direct-write"
I applied this dialog in windows 7: Control Panel > Performance Options Visual Effects. Uncheck Smooth edges of screen fonts.
Disabling doesn't work in this version: (in windows 7 settings) Verze: 44.0.2510.1218 (PGO) - Opera je aktuální Aktualizační kanál: Stable Systém: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
Disabling successful in this version: (also in windows 7 settings) Verze: 44.0.2510.1218 (PGO) - Opera je aktuální Aktualizační kanál: Stable Systém: Windows 7 32-bit