Select multiple tabs with shift
HanzoX7 last edited by
I think this would be nice... maybe not with Shift as this actually closes the tabs, but Ctrl seems more intuitive.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Is there a place to submit feature requests?
Yes, here in this forum. You can also try the Desktop Team Blog
A Former User last edited by
Shift + click closes tab so be careful.
And not there seems no way to select with ctrl.
I cant believe this is missing from Opera?Multi select tabs would ease making split screen layout (with windows) until Opera get's a similar split screen feature as Vivaldi has.
A Former User last edited by
This is one of the last things thats keeping me from fully moving from Chrome. I like to keep my windows separated by "category" (work, fun, ..) and moving them one by one is not really effective.
my1xt last edited by
@zangetsux7 said in Select multiple tabs with shift:
I think this would be nice... maybe not with Shift as this actually closes the tabs, but Ctrl seems more intuitive.
also shift is generally used to select all the stuff between 2 as well. for just selecting a bunch of random tabs control is truly the better choice.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg said in Select multiple tabs with shift:
Already being tested in Opera 52.
Any idea when the beta for Opera 52 ends and is introduced to the stable build?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Vivaldi has this. "Menu -> tools -> settings -> tabs -> tab features section -> Enable tab selection". It's done with Ctrl + shift + click.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg :
The beta is at version 57-something, yet no such feature is in sight.I think this is slated to be once again a most-requested feature that will be perennially ignored and held in contempt by Opera Software, just like form autocompletion was in Presto-based Opera.