[Solved]45.0.2545.0 why depending compositing?
A Former User last edited by
I won't switch to vivaldi though. I really hate nodejs-based (or electron) apps. I may switch to qupzilla. It has switched to chromium engine since version 2, it has opera's 12.x speed dial, built in adblock and it looks quite promising
A Former User last edited by
Opera 45 reached stable a few minutes ago and neither the dark theme bug, nor the compositing one was solved. Goodbye opera.
A Former User last edited by admin
Same here with mate and mint 18.1 with disabled compositing:
pvozerski2 last edited by
I confirm the "ugly border" bug on LMDE 2 with Trinity DE R14.0.4 installed.
maxymku last edited by
Other method: opera://settings/ => Browser => System => disable "Use hardware acceleration when available".
parkmino last edited by
opera://flags/?search=overr#ignore-gpu-blacklist and the another preferences does not help.
Only enable the compositing manager…Both methods solve the effect of "big ugly black border" in my system (Slackware 14.0, x86).
This workaround does not apply to lubuntu 16.04 amd64
A Former User last edited by
None of these workarounds worked for me as well (debian testing x64, openbox, no compositing manager, opera 45 stable).
Since the lazy maintainers of my disto have not yet packaged qupzilla 2.1.x, I am back to opera. And reopened my account here, because deleting it would also delete my comments
jskier last edited by
Also present on Arch Linux. Have tested Intel, AMD, and Nvidia gpu; if compositing is off these borders show up.
A Former User last edited by
The compositing bug was solved today in the latest opera-developer version, along with the dark theme one.
jskier last edited by
The compositing bug was solved today in the latest opera-developer version, along with the dark theme one.
http://i.imgur.com/IcYnjbY.pngThanks for the heads up, 2602 appears to work for me without the black borders as well (xfce4, no compositing).
alexs last edited by
The bug is fixed on Opera developer build 46.0.2602.0, thanks.
(Debian/sid with xfce, without compositing)
But with Opera dark theme, the background and color from the tooltips
is bright.
Button on main bar, tabs on tab bar, bookmarks on bookmarks bar
A Former User last edited by
Well, I have the same issue on opera stable. It seems that the light and dark built in themes only change the address bar and the tab bar and nothing more. Even the recently closed tabs menu uses the light theme!
Obviously, it is not related to the dark gtk theme bug. This was solved by forcing opera to use some gtk theme they have made (light grey menus, darker grey selected entries and black letters).