Flash not working on Opera: a summary on the reported cases
jayaguru-shishya last edited by admin
Opera is going through an enormous process when it comes to the problems of implementing Flash to their Linux browser. This has already been pointed out at 14 different threads here at the Opera forum. In this post, however, I'll try to make a small summary out of the reported cases. Personally, I've been trying to approach the problem through ‘pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ that I've got, so it might explain the chronological/-thematical classification of the posts, which I have divided into four categories:
1. **Independent installations.** Installations that do not depend on any specific browser, such as *Chromium* / *Chrome*, or any other software provider, such as *Adobe* (https://forums.opera.com/topic/12193/how-to-fix-video-playback-problems-with-opera-32-on-linux-tutorial how-to-fix-video-playback-problems-with-opera-32-on-linux-tutorial#Item_1) Date and title: 2015/10/01 How to fix video playback problems with Opera 32 on Linux [Tutorial] Suggestion: Install the necessary Chrome libs for H.264/MP4 codec Suggestions put in code: sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra sudo mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/ lib_extra/ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/chromium-browser/libs/ libffmpeg.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ope Comments: - 2. **Suggestions without command-line instructions.** (https://forums.opera.com/post/114896; https://forums.opera.com/topic/19186/streaming-flash-no-longer-working-again-after-update-to-43-0-2442-806' no-longer-working-again-afte-update-to-43-0-2442-806#Item_7; https://forums.opera.com/topic/17474/flash-player-error-plug-in-path-for-opera-devel-42-0-2372-0 error-plug-in-path-for-opera-devel-42-0-2372-0/p1) Date and title: 2017/07/02 Opera browser does not play twitter videos and gifs again Suggestion: Install the chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra library. Copy the libffmpeg.so file from the library (/usr/lib/chromium-browser) Replace the libffmpeg.so file in the browser folder (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux- gnu/opera) with this file. Suggestions put in code: - Comments: Does not provide the commands to run via Terminal **OR** Suggestion: Download the package opera- ffmpeg-codecs-56.0.2924.76-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz from https://repo.herecura.eu/herecura/x86_64 Extract the libffmpeg.so file Then move it to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ opera/libffmpeg.so (using "sudo") Do NOT put it inside "/usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/ opera/libextra". Suggestions put in code: - Comments: Does not provide the commands to run via Terminal Date and title: 2017/08/02 streaming flash no longer working again after update to 43.0.2442.806 Suggestion: After installing libflashplayer.so and libpepflashplayer.so and manifest.json to /usr/ lib/adobe-flashplugin/ from archive flashplayerppapilinux.x8664.tar.gz streaming works properly Suggestion put in code: - Comments: Does not provide the commands to run via Terminal Title and date: 2016/10/01 Flash player error & plug-in path for opera devel - 42.0.2372.0 Suggestion: Simply download the version from Adobe (.gz version), extract the libpepflashplayer.so and install it Suggestion put in code: mkdir /usr/lib/PepperFlash cp libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/PepperFlash/ Comments: Does not tell how to extract the file **OR** Suggestion: Download and override the flash player at: */opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash libpepflashplayer.so* NOTE that it's need to replace libpepflashplayer.so and manifest.json file if you do. Suggestion put in code: - Comments: One might not be using Google Chrome, nor have it installed on the system Does not provide the commands to run via Terminal
jayaguru-shishya last edited by admin
3. **'adobe-flashplugin' -based suggestions** These suggestions ignore 'pepperflash-plugin', and are based completely on 'adobe-flashplugin' (https://forums.opera.com/topic/17474/flash-player-error-plug-in-path-for-opera-devel-42-0-2372-0 plug-in-path-for-opera-devel-42-0-2372- https://forums.opera.com/topic/19550/can-t-get-flash-player-installed player-installed; https://gist.github.com/ruario/215c365facfe8d3c5071; https://forums.opera.com/topic/17898/flash-player-and-opera-41 player-and-opera-41-; https://forums.opera.com/topic/17622/flash-won-t-work-on-ubuntu; http://www.webupd8.org/2014/12/how-to-get-flash-and-h264-to-work-in.html) Title and date: 2016/10/01 Flash player error & plug-in path for opera devel - 42.0.2372.0 Suggestion: Make sure to install the PPAPI Flash player from Adobe Suggestion put in code: - Comments: Instead of ‘adobe-flashplugin’, I’ve got ‘ 'pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ installed. However, the flash is not showing up at ‘opera://plugins’ Title and date: 2017/03/02 Can't get Flash Player installed Suggestion: Install ‘adobe-flashplugin’ Suggestion put in code: - Comments: Instead of ‘adobe-flashplugin’, I’ve got ‘pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ installed. However, the flash is not showing up at ‘opera://plugins’ Title and date: 2016/04/01 ruario/README.md Suggestion: Install ‘adobe-flashplugin’ and Pepper flash (the latter by running the ‘latest-pepper-flash.sh’ script) Suggestion put in code: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu `lsb_release -cs` partner" sudo apt update sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin Comments: Instead of ‘adobe-flashplugin’, I’ve got ‘pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ installed. However, the flash is not showing up at ‘opera://plugins’ Title and date: 2016/11/01 Flash player and Opera 41+ Suggestion: Install 'adobe-flashplugin' package Suggestion put in code: - Comments: Instead of ‘adobe-flashplugin’, I’ve got ‘pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ installed. However, the flash is not showing up at ‘opera://plugins’ Title and date: 2016/10/01 Flash Won't Work on Ubuntu Suggestion: Adobe has created a .deb file for flash plugin for opera (https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer) If you opens link above, the site will detect your browser, and you only need to select the right package for your system: Just select APT for Ubuntu 10.04 and higher Suggestion put in code: - Comments: - **OR** Suggestion: Enable the Canonical Partners' repository in order to install 'adobe-flashplugin'. Suggestion put in code: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu `sed -n '/UBUNTU_CODENAME/s/.*=//p' /etc/os-release` partner" sudo apt update sudo apt install adobe-flashplugin Comments: Instead of ‘adobe-flashplugin’, I’ve got ‘pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ installed. However, the flash is not showing up at ‘opera://plugins' Title and date: 2014/12/03 HOW TO GET FLASH AND H.264 TO WORK IN OPERA BROWSER (UBUNTU 14.04, 14.10 AND 15.04) Suggestion: Install adobe-flashplugin Make sure the "ffmpeg-real" package from Sam Rog's PPA isn't installed, because the two aren't compatible and dpkg will throw an error like: "trying to overwrite [...] which is also in package" Add Kyrill's FFmpeg next PPA and install FFmpeg in Ubuntu 14.04 or 14.10 (or Linux Mint 17 or 17.1) Suggestion put in code: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg-real sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ffmpeg Comments: Instead of ‘adobe-flashplugin’, I’ve got ‘pepperflashplugin-nonfree’ installed. However, the flash is not showing up at ‘opera://plugins’
jayaguru-shishya last edited by admin
4. **Threads left unanswered** Indeed, these threads were opened in order to find a solution to the the issue (just to emphasize the magnitude of this problem), but never yielded any decent answers. (https://forums.opera.com/topic/19462/can-t-view-flash-movies movies-; https://forums.opera.com/post/115561 Comment_15258789; https://forums.opera.com/discussion/comment/ 15258831#Comment_15258831; https://forums.opera.com/discussion/ 1881769/can039t-get-flash-to-work-in-opera-42-running-under- lubuntu-ubuntu; https://forums.opera.com/topic/18212/opera-41-flash-not-showing-up-working-fedora-25-linux-gnome opera-41-flash-not-showing-upworking-fedora-25-linux-gnome)
I hope Opera gets everything in order soon! Cheers!
jayaguru-shishya last edited by
Not just was the first option the clearest, it already resolved my problem. This is to say, I am using 'pepperflash-plugin'; no 'adobe-flashplugin' is installed on the system.
jayaguru-shishya last edited by jayaguru-shishya
UPDATE: As been demonstrated in a new thread, Flash video problems never end, the first option might not resolve the case anymore. However, a new solution was suggested by @natasha-from-dnepropetrovsk
DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/download/0.20.3/0.20.3-linux-x64.zip EXTRACT: "0.20.3/0.20.3-linux-x64.zip" as "libffmpeg.so" RENAME: "/usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/libffmpeg.so" to "/usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/libffmpeg.so_orig" COPY: "~/Downloads/libffmpeg.so" to "/usr/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/"
According to my calculations, this is now the eighteenth case concerning Flash problems when it comes to the Opera browser. I have
as my backup browser, and I can tell you, no such problem has ever been encountered!Here are the three most recent cases after the fifteen, when this thread was originally composed: (16) Flash video problems never end, (17) New user Debian - Flash - Licence - Devices - Report, and (18) Flash player not work in Last opera stable and developer
jayaguru-shishya last edited by
(19) None of the versions of Opera runs a site with flash even in the block exception list, and (20) Opera updated to 49 and now having flash player problems.
This is a result of a throughout and systematic investigation, not just some random sample. The earliest posts date back to 2014/12/03, and the newest one to 2017/11/27
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@jayaguru-shishya Those are not related to the problem discussed on this topic.
They are about issues with Flash that came with the changes in Chromium that now requires white-listing of pages for Flash to play on them while this topic is about an old problem with Flash playing on Opera for Linux.