Opera_44.0.2510.857 crashing
mrelvey last edited by admin
How do I download 43.0.2442.1165 ? I can't find it at http://arc.opera.com/pub/opera/mac/ - nothing newer than 2013?!?
To answer my own question, see my answer at https://forums.opera.com/topic/20107/wrong-info-on-obtaining-old-versions/5
In short: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop. Sadly, these downloads are insecure.
mrelvey last edited by
I installed 43.0.2442.1165. WFM too.
Unfortunately, it's auto-updated to the latest:
"43.0.2442.1165 - Restart Opera to update to version 44.0.2510.1159 Relaunch Now"
:scared: ;_; :down: X/ :rip:
zalex108 last edited by
cCleaner or something?
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
mrelvey last edited by
Me too 44.0.2510.1218 crashes as before: "Opening any link in a new tab (by right clicking) and clicking on the new tab reliably crashes Opera." I was asked, "Could you try setting up an identifier so we can track your crash report in our database?"
and ran a defaults write com.operasoftware.Opera OPCrashEmail [...] command just now to do so.@bleduc1: Not using a tablet device of any kind. Never have. Seems like @sparky132, @starkrogers, @smparis? and I have this ...new tab issue on 4 very different MacBook Pros.
Hey, what extensions do you guys have? I just have lastpass.Same crash with it disabled. -
Deleted User last edited by
@mrelvey Did you try to download the installer from the official Opera website?
A Former User last edited by
I wonder why this issue varies for people who use the same operating system and same version of Opera. I only face the crash if I use my stylus pen. Mrelvery faces it with a mouse. Do you have any additional third party software or something that might be conflicting with Opera?
Zalex108, I am sorry to disagree, but I don't think CCleaner or any cleaning software would really come handy in this case. Learning a great deal on the Apple forums, cleaning software and anti-virus programs are more useful for Windows users, but Mac has maintenance scripts already built in. Of course, it can't hurt, but I'm not sure it would be effective. I also learned from an Apple discussion that a firewall is really outdated and pointless now. It's the VPN that matters and provides better security. I just thought that those were some pretty impressive things to share.
zalex108 last edited by
Zalex108, I am sorry to disagree, but I don't think CCleaner or any cleaning software would really come handy in this case. Learning a great deal on the Apple forums, cleaning software and anti-virus programs are more useful for Windows users, but Mac has maintenance scripts already built in. Of course, it can't hurt, but I'm not sure it would be effective. I also learned from an Apple discussion that a firewall is really outdated and pointless now. It's the VPN that matters and provides better security. I just thought that those were some pretty impressive things to share.
Well, despite Apple's architecture and functionality, we don't know anything about the users machine and if its working flawlessly.
Some users uses Opera because his other browsers fails, then Opera, but actually it's because the system is messed, not the browser itself. Just because of that.
Then he replied that the system is working fine, and should trust.Apart:
Lately there are some virus for Mac too, despite is more secure than Windows.11 users has crash problem, how many of them tried a new profile?
Seems that just Original poster, in another way, despite had no worked."You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Hmm...I see. I guess that it's really hard to tell.
I hope it's understood that I wasn't trying to sound arrogant. I just thought that the few things I learned might be worth sharing, but I guess it doesn't actually confirm this problem since we don't know the user's system like you said.
A Former User last edited by
April 5th and I'm having the same issue. Control-Click to open a link in a new tab, watch it load, go to click on it and... Opera crashes.
Why are you using Control-click? I use Cmd-click on a Mac to force a link to open in a new tab. Control-click opens the context menu. Since I have a 4-button trackball, I use middle-click most of the time however. I am also now using Opera 44.0.2510.1218, which is not giving me any problems. Maybe switching to the current release would help.
A Former User last edited by
Good thinking. Using the stylus, I realized that Cmd + Click does not result in any crashes, but for some reason, Ctrl + Click and then selecting the new tab option still does.
zalex108 last edited by
Hmm...I see. I guess that it's really hard to tell.
I hope it's understood that I wasn't trying to sound arrogant. I just thought that the few things I learned might be worth sharing, but I guess it doesn't actually confirm this problem since we don't know the user's system like you said.Why are you using Control-click? I use Cmd-click on a Mac to force a link to open in a new tab. Control-click opens the context menu. Since I have a 4-button trackball, I use middle-click most of the time however. I am also now using Opera 44.0.2510.1218, which is not giving me any problems. Maybe switching to the current release would help.
Good thinking. Using the stylus, I realized that Cmd + Click does not result in any crashes, but for some reason, Ctrl + Click and then selecting the new tab option still does.
Let's see if "Ctrl+Click" is causing the problem.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Let's see if "Ctrl+Click" is causing the problem.
When I was using the mouse, I didn't have any reason to use the Ctrl key because of the right clicker on the mouse. Now that I tested the Ctrl key in addition to the mouse and not the stylus, I can confirm a crash. It looks like that is the problem.
A Former User last edited by
Interesting. I have the same versions of MacOS and Opera, but no problem with Control-click plus choosing "new tab" for a link. I just did that with "Markdown" on this page. No crashes.
sparky132 last edited by
Just backing up what @bleduc1 said - it is only the 'Ctrl+click -> open in new tab' that is causing the crash.
Cmd+click works fine. As does 'right click -> open in new tab'.
I have tested with/out external monitor, trackpad vs bluetooth mouse, laptop keyboard vs usb keyboard - all of those variables make no difference. As stated above it is only the Ctrl+click case that breaks (consistently, whatever the mouse/kb/monitor combination).Any updates from the dev team?
version 44.0.2510.1218
A Former User last edited by
I'm sure it's a silly question, but after you create a new tab by Ctrl + Click, do you test entering the tab or do you close it? Entering is the part that triggers a crash for me. -
shintoplasm01 last edited by
Opera Stable (44.0.2510.1218) is also crashing on my tMBP fairly frequently. I have analysed the following behaviours which seem to crash the browser:
- Ctrl+Click then open in new tab, as reported by several users above.
- Enter full screen in a Flash video; I don't think an HTML5 video has crashed my browser yet.
- When saving a file on my computer (regardless of folder location), the Save File dialog seems to crash the browser - although this doesn't seem to happen every single time, but is kind of random.
I am automatically sending my crash reports to Opera; please PM me if you need to know my email address.