Opera Mail Crashes On Startup
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
That error often means "Opera can't find omailbase.dat". First thing I'd do (while Opera Mail is closed) is goto "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail". There, delete sessions/autosave.win. Then, edit operaprefs.ini and look under the "mail" section in it. If the "Mail Root Directory" line is there, remove it so Opera uses the default mail folder location of "C:\Users\user\AppData\local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\Mail". Also, make sure omailbase.dat is actually there.
If you have your mail folder in a custom spot, you'll want to leave the Mail Root Directory line in operaprefs.ini, but make sure it's there.
Also make sure the mail folder and all its files and folders are not set to read only.
See how that goes and we can try more things if needed.
johnmsch last edited by
Deleted autosave.win. When I go to edit operaprefs.ini, there is no mail section:
Opera Preferences version 2.1
; Do not edit this file while Opera is running
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding[State]
Detected Country Code=US
Active Country Code=US
Active Region=us
Total Uptime=4799
Run=0[User Prefs]
Preferences Version=6
Enable Usage Statistics=0[Install]
Newest Used Version=1.00.1040
Newest Used Beta Name=
First Used Version=1.00.1040
First Run Timestamp=1397158442[Proxy]
Opera Turbo Config File={Resources}region/us/turbosettings.xml[Windows]
Mail Init Error Dialog=192,170,358,151,0
Application Window=20,20,950,1056,2
Document Window=0,0,1920,1029,2[Auto Update]
Auto Update Responded=1
Update Check Interval=259200
Throttle Level=0
Spoof Time=1390550144
Dictionary Time=1310728577
Hardware Blocklist Time=1349204457
Time Of Last Upgrade Check=1397162580
Auto Update State=0omailbase.dat does exist in C:\Users\Johnny\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mail.
I could not find any files that were set to read-only.
I'd appreciate any other ideas you may have.
johnmsch last edited by
Can't figure out why the above post has all those INI file values on one line. Looking at the file, each line does end with a x0D0A and the layout of the INI file looks normal like any other INI.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Can't figure out why the above post has all those INI file values on one line.
In you text editor, select all and then indent all lines by 4 spaces before you copy. Then it'll come out right here. Search google for markdown syntax.
When I go to edit operaprefs.ini, there is no mail section:
O.K. That's fine. It means that Opera is using the default mail folder location. (You could always add the mail section yourself and that line, but no need to in this case).
Can't figure out why the above post has all those INI file values on one line. Looking at the file, each line does end with a x0D0A and the layout of the INI file looks normal like any other INI.
What's its file size?
Can't figure out why the above post has all those INI file values on one line. Looking at the file, each line does end with a x0D0A and the layout of the INI file looks normal like any other INI.
Even if it's a pain, you might want to rename the mail folder and start Opera and try the import all over again.
Note that Opera Mail 1.0 is just Opera 12.16 with some of the browser parts hidden. So, Opera Mail should work the same was Opera 12.16 (as in, shouldn't be any worse or better).
One thing you can try is to launch the Opera Mail installer, click "options", set "install path" to a folder on your desktop, set "install for" to "standalone installation (USB)" and install. Then, close that Opera. Then, replace that Opera's "mail" folder (it's in the "profile" folder in the install folder on your desktop) with a copy of yours. Then, start that test Opera Mail (launch operamail.exe in the folder). If it has a problem, then that means there's something wrong with omailbase.dat. If it doesn't have a problem, it means that there's something else wrong in your original profile and it's not the mail folder.
Also, just reinstall Opera Mail on top of itself. Also, restart your computer again if you haven't.
johnmsch last edited by
Thanks for all the help burnout, but I just don't feel comfortable with Opera Mail at this time. Its a shame, since I really do like the interface and the way this is designed. Its a bit scary that the database could somehow get corrupted and there is no tool to repair it, or at least scan it and report what's wrong.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Thanks for all the help burnout, but I just don't feel comfortable with Opera Mail at this time.
You're welcome and no worries.
Its a bit scary that the database could somehow get corrupted and there is no tool to repair it, or at least scan it and report what's wrong.
The database is really delicate. You can close down Opera and edit operaprefs.ini. Under the "Mail" section, you add/set "Mail Database Consistency Check Time" to 0. Then, you can start Opera up and close it. That will cause Opera to run a database check (if you agree to do so in the dialog you get before Opera shuts down). Then, look in the mail folder for "recovery.log". It will show you what was wrong and what it was able to fix.
The database check isn't very advanced though and won't be able to repair severe damage, which is why I didn't mention it. But, if you still have things set up, you can try it just to see if it helps. It probably won't in this case.
johnmsch last edited by
Thanks for the reply. I really would like to see this work!
I didn't have a "Mail" section in operaprefs.ini, so I added these two lines to the bottom of the file:
Mail Database Consistency Check Time=0I started Opera Mail, got the Engine Init failed error, clicked on OK, then closed Opera Mail. I did not get a dialog asking to run the consistency check and there is nothing recent in the recovery.log file. Is that INI entry correct?
johnmsch last edited by
Oh rats, there's that cut-n-paste error again. Those two line from the INI file are actually on separate lines.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Those two line from the INI file are actually on separate lines.
Indent each line with 4 spaces when you post.
I started Opera Mail, got the Engine Init failed error, clicked on OK, then closed Opera Mail. I did not get a dialog asking to run the consistency check and there is nothing recent in the recovery.log file. Is that INI entry correct?
They're correct. Could be because mail isn't initializing that it can't get that far. Rename index.ini to see if mail will initialize. If that doesn't work, rename omailbase.dat. If mail at least starts up then, that probably means omailbase.dat is toast.
johnmsch last edited by
Did both steps you recommended, in order, and still get the Initialize error.
Thanks again for the replies.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
It might be something in accounts.ini. Try renaming it really quick (while Opera is closed of course). Put it back if that doesn't help.
Also, try just renaming the whole mail folder. If the probably doesn't go away then, it's a problem outside of the mail folder.