I Need The Help of an Opera Mail Specialist / Developer
tomskii9918 last edited by
burnout 426 - thanks a lot for all your input and suggestions I will try them for sure.
Davehawley - Got some pretty good input from you as well. I will try whatever is going to work.Another point came up when I was reading your posts. I had the mail system set up on a separate non system drive to make the mail accessible for different family members - all using the same settings, databases mail files etc.
So when I messed it was there.
The next time I restarted opera mail it wanted to create accounts and I started to - but maybe opera mail uses a kind of standard location to do that that is different from my special drive location for all users and hence there maybe more that can be recovered, because it has not been overwritten (in the standard mail location), maybe maybe maybe. I will keep working on it and looking for solutions, my first success at the moment is that I got about 100 mails from the last weeks back - these are IMAP mails that are still on the mail server.
Could I please ask you (burnout426 and Davehawley) to keep an eye on this topic in order to help me in the future during my attempts to repair the mail system.
I thank everybody for their input.
Regards Thomas -
A Former User last edited by
Will do Thomas, I've put a star on the topic so I should be notified of any additions.
tomskii9918 last edited by
Perfect davehawley. I had a good look at the files in my opera file system.
I found that I have the following file system structure:In my mail folder modified In my Store Folder
signature7.txt 10.04.2016 folder account2 with sub-folders 2000-2013 obviously year folders, with month sub-folders
signature6.txt 10.04.2016 folder account3 with sub-folder 2013 in the month sub-folders folders for day's
signature5.txt 10.04.2016 folder account4 with sub-folder 2013-2016
signature2.txt 28.10.2010 folder account5 with sub-folder 2016
recovery.log 09.05.2012 folder account6 with sub-folder 2013-2016
opr7848.tmp 10.01.2015 folder draft
opr96D8.tmp 20.01.2016 ultimately in the day folders little xx.mbs files exist sometimes oneopr2AF9.tmp 15.06.2014 sometime a view and some times quiet a lot, the size also varies
omailbase.dat 11.04.2016 from a view KB to say 200 KB (but all together this most be a lot of
index.ini 11.04.2016 data. However the content of the xx.mbs files does not really look like
incoming6.txt 11.04.2016 email text etc.
imp.dat 10.04.2016 With the info I have from burnout426 and davehawley I'm not sure I know what to do now
accounts.ini 11.04.2016 So many possible xx.mbs files and a strange file system.
folder store 10.04.2016 It looks as if my mail organized itselfe by the day it was in use.
folder pop3 10.04.2016 The accounts I'm not sure at least some may be from the upgrade from integrated
folder lexicon 11.04.2016 opera mail to opera mail 1.0. But it may also be that I added more with upgrade
folder indexer 11.04.2016 to Win10? I am definitely not able to determine the order in which
folder imap 11.04.2016 the accounts have been created for the recovery/recreation process (burnout426).
folder autofilter 09.04.2016 I'm not sure what to do with the large amount of xx.mbs files and the file system used
folder Account Backup 02.12.2013 store these files. I also tried Recuva and that could restore even more xx.mbs files
and other file types -
tomskii9918 last edited by
Perfect davehawley. I had a good look at the files in my opera file system.
I found that I have the following file system structure:In my mail folder modified
signature7.txt 10.04.2016
signature6.txt 10.04.2016
signature5.txt 10.04.2016
signature2.txt 28.10.2010
recovery.log 09.05.2012
opr7848.tmp 10.01.2015
opr96D8.tmp 20.01.2016
oneopr2AF9.tmp 15.06.2014
omailbase.dat 11.04.2016
index.ini 11.04.2016
incoming6.txt 11.04.2016
imp.dat 10.04.2016 -
tomskii9918 last edited by
again not good but we are getting there: Perfect davehawley. I had a good look at the files in my opera file system. I found that I have the following file system structure: In my mail folder signature7.txt modified 10.04.2016; signature6.txt modified 10.04.2016; signature5.txt modified 10.04.2016 ; signature2.txt modified 28.10.2010; recovery.log modified 09.05.2012 ; opr7848.tmp modified 10.01.2015 ; opr7848.tmp modified 10.01.2015 ; opr96D8.tmp modified 0.01.2016 ; oneopr2AF9.tmp modified 15.06.2014 ; omailbase.dat modified 11.04.2016 ; index.ini modified 11.04.2016 ; incoming6.txt modified 11.04.2016 imp.dat modified 10.04.2016;
tomskii9918 last edited by
Further: In my Store Folder are folder account2 with sub-folders 2000-2013 obviously year folders, with month sub-folders and folder account3 with sub-folder 2013 and month sub-folders with sub-folders for day's folder account4 with sub-folder 2013-2016; folder account5 with sub-folder 2016 ; folder account6 with sub-folder 2013-2016 ; folder draft ; ultimately in the day folders little xx.mbs files exist sometimes, sometime a view and some times quiet a lot, the size also varies from a view KB to say 200 KB (but all together this most be a lot of data. However the content of the xx.mbs files does not really look like email text etc. With the info I have from burnout426 and davehawley I'm not sure I know what to do now.
So many possible xx.mbs files and a strange file system.It looks as if my mail organized itselfe by the day it was in use.
The accounts I'm not sure at least some may be from the upgrade from integrated opera mail to opera mail 1.0. But it may also be that I added more with upgrade to Win10? I am definitely not able to determine the order in which he accounts have been created for the recovery/recreation process (burnout426). I'm not sure what to do with the large amount of xx.mbs files and the file system used store these files. I also tried Recuva and that could restore even more xx.mbs files
and other file types -
A Former User last edited by
The contents of the .mbs files should be identifiable as being e-mail messages.
They are in plain text.
The fact that you have a lot of them and they are in folders which go back to 200 would seem to indicate that your mail database is probably still intact, you just can't access it.
Did you try the import that burnout426 suggested?
Did Recuva find any accounts.ini or index.ini files from before the problem occurred?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
If you renamed operaprefs.ini as I suggested, it'll remove your custom mail folder location. While Opera is closed, under the [Mail] section (add it if it isn't there), add the line:
Mail Root Directory=path to "mail" folder
Then it'll use your custom mail folder location. Before you start Opera, you can then move the good mail folder to that spot so that Opera will use it (moving the old one out of the way first.).
I only suggested renaming operaprefs.ini for the purpose of making Opera use the default location of the mail folder. Didn't know you had a custom location.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
As far as the forum goes, it supports Markdown. You can see the link at the bottom of the page if you like ... or for formatted text add 4 spaces at the start of each line. Some versions also support tables using the vertical bar character, but I've never tested it here.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/m2tips/mail_folder_structure should help you understand what each file/folder is for in the mail folder. You don't have to worry about incomingN.txt or anything like that.
Also, after fixing the mail folder location in operaprefs.ini, you can try the whole import process again if you want. Just rename the "mail" folder again (but to "mailold2" for example) and import from the original "mailold" folder per my directions.
tomskii9918 last edited by
all of you thanks a lot but I'm a bit slow in this.
burnout426; already figuring out old and new mail accounts and preferences etc. seems difficult.
In About Opera Mail I can see:
Preferences are at root:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\OperaMail1_0\operaprefs.ini.
If I remember correct this is not a custom location I created when using original opera mail 1.0 but is the standard for a new installation (or start of a session in my case. But I'm not sure about this.
Saved session
C:\Users\Thomas\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\OperaMail1_0\sessions\autopera.win
Given the location same thing as in case above.
Mail directory is given as
J:\OperaMail1_0\All User Mail\mail. This seems to be the latest used custom location. But it has no operaprefs.ini but has a operaprefs_default.ini and it has no autopera.win what so ever. I have set file explorer to show all files.
And then we also have the J:\OperaMail\AllUsers\Mail folder I think again a custom folder used for opera mail before opera mail 1.0 - but I'm not sure.
My confusion is where to start etc.
One other question: when you say "edit" you mean just give it a different name? I'm not sure here.
Again thanks a lot don't think I'm not working on it - I do but most days I am 50% of the time in hospital mostly for radiation. I try to do my best but speed is not up to a 100% and the amount of data is also not helping. I get a better idea with all info I getr from you but still I miss some pieces. I will work on it as much as possibe and may some has some more directions concerning the locations recoveries imports etc.
Thanks Thomas -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by admin
(There's a simple way at the bottom if you don't want to try the following things)
Mail directory is given as
J:\OperaMail10\All User Mail\mail. This seems to be the latest used custom location. But it has no operaprefs.ini but has a operaprefsdefault.inioperaprefs_default.ini is a file that sits next to operamail.exe. operaprefs_default.ini isn't something you normally mess with. operaprefs.ini is.
I need to know a few things for to make sure how you have things set up:
- Open operaprefs_default.ini with notepad.
Is there a "[System]" section?
If so, is there a "Multi User=" line?
If so, is it set to 0 or 1?
- Where is operamail.exe and operaprefs_default.ini?
Are they in "J:\OperaMail10" or "J:\OperaMail10\All User Mail"?
- In the folder where operamail.exe and operaprefs_default.ini are at, is the a folder named "profile"?
I'm trying to determine whether you have what's called a standalone installation of Opera Mail at "J:\OperaMail10" or if you did a normal installation to "J:\OperaMail10" where operamail uses the local and roaming appdata folders on the root drive (as opposed to the "profile" folder next to operamail.exe) where you then changed the mail folder location to "J:\OperaMail10\All Users Mail\mail" in "root:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\OperaMail10\operaprefs.ini.
Was also wondering if your intention was to have all of Opera Mail on the J drive or just the mail folder or just the mail folder and other profile files.
When I mention "rename" for a file or folder, I mean to right-click on the folder, choose "rename" and type the new name. It can also be done by pressing F2 on a folder or file and typing the new name.
When I mention "edit" for editing a file, I mean to open the file in a text editor like notepad for example. Right-click -> open with -> notepad for example.
What I would do is this:
Goto http://www.opera.com/computer/mail and download the Opera Mail installer.
Launch it.
Click "options".
Set "install path" to "root:\Program Files (x86)\Opera Mail".
Set "install for" to "All users".
Check "Make Opera default" if given the option.
Open Opera Mail.
Close Opera Mail.
Goto "root:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail" and open operaprefs.ini with a text editor.
Under [Mail] (add the section if it's not there) add the line:
Mail Root Directory=J:\Opera Mail\mail
and save.
- Then, launch Opera Mail (right-click on the Opera Mail shortcut, goto properties and make sure the path to Opera Mail is "root:\Program Files (x86)\Opera Mail\operamail.exe" first) and create your accounts and import like mentioned here. You'll just need to import from the mail folder you had before all of this.
That will install Opera Mail properly where the program files and profile are on the root driver, but the mail files are in "J:\Opera Mail\mail". (Contacts.adr and wand.dat will still be on root at "root:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail".
Or, skip all that and do this simple way:
If you want all of Opera Mail on the J drive, just launch the installer, click "options", set "install path" to "J:\Opera Mail", set "install for" to "Standalone Installation" and install. Once Opera Mail starts up, set up your accounts and import as mentioned in here.
Then, create a shortcut to "J:\Opera Mail\operamail.exe" and put it on your desktop. Then, all of Opera Mail will be on your J drive and everything will be restored.
tomskii9918 last edited by
Hello burnout426 you are helping me so much:
Open operaprefs_default.ini with notepad looks like this:
Opera Preferences version 2.1
; Do not edit this file while Opera is running
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding[System]
Opera Product=0[User Prefs]
Language Files Directory={Resources}locale\en
Language File={Resources}locale\en\en.lng[Auto Update]
Country Code=NLand is located at J:\OperaMail1_0.
In the folder where operamail.exe and operaprefs_default.ini are at, is the a folder named "profile"? No there is no folder profile whatsoever in J:\OperaMail1_0.
If I could get opera mail up and running again for POP and IMAP in a multiuser mode it would be great. If I could access (large parts)of the old maildata base in a multiuser setting it would be fantastic. If someone could help me wit setting that up from what is left on my computer would make me very happy.
tomskii9918 last edited by
Hello all:
I found a accounts.ini file on J:\OperaMail1_0 it is from 09.04.2016 which shoul dbe from before the accident. It looks like this:
Opera Preferences version 2.1
; Do not edit this file while Opera is running
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding[Accounts]
Added 11.60 Upgrade Mail=1
Next Available Id=5
Default Mail Account=4[Account4]
Incoming Protocol=POP
Outgoing Protocol=SMTP
Incoming Port=110
Outgoing Port=25
Secure Connection In=0
Secure Connection Out=0
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=31
Outgoing Authentication Method=31
Incoming Timeout=60
Outgoing Timeout=90
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=1
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=0
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=1
Download Attachments=1
Leave On Server=1
Server Has Spam Filter=0
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=0
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=0
Sound Enabled=1
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Incoming Servername=pop.ziggo.nl
Incoming Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Outgoing Servername=smtp.ziggo.nl
Outgoing Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=1
Real Name=Mikosch - den Hollander
Organization=Home Office
Signature File=J:\OperaMail\AllUsers\Mail\signature3.txt
Sound File=C:\Windows\Media\Characters\Windows Print complete.wav
Reply=On %:Date:, %f wrote:
Forward=\n\n------- Forwarded message -------\nFrom: %:From:\nTo: %:To:\nCc: %:Cc:\nSubject: %:Subject:\nDate: %:Date:\n
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC=
Auto BCC=
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=0
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2I found another accounts.ini in J:\OperaMail\AllUsers\Mail containing this
Opera Preferences version 2.1
; Do not edit this file while Opera is running
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding[Accounts]
Added 11.60 Upgrade Mail=1
Next Available Id=4
Default Mail Account=3[Account3]
Incoming Protocol=POP
Outgoing Protocol=SMTP
Incoming Port=110
Outgoing Port=25
Secure Connection In=0
Secure Connection Out=0
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=31
Outgoing Authentication Method=31
Incoming Timeout=60
Outgoing Timeout=90
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=1
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=0
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=1
Download Attachments=1
Leave On Server=1
Server Has Spam Filter=0
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=0
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=0
Sound Enabled=0
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Incoming Servername=pop.ziggo.nl
Incoming Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Outgoing Servername=smtp.ziggo.nl
Outgoing Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=1
Real Name=Mikosch - den Hollander
Organization=Home Office
Signature File=J:\OperaMail\AllUsers\Mail\signature3.txt
Sound File=
Reply=On %:Date:, %f wrote:
Forward=\n\n------- Forwarded message -------\nFrom: %:From:\nTo: %:To:\nCc: %:Cc:\nSubject: %:Subject:\nDate: %:Date:\n
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC=
Auto BCC=
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=0
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2 -
tomskii9918 last edited by
In J:\OperaMail1_0\All User Mail\mail is another accounts.ini with:
Opera Preferences version 2.1
; Do not edit this file while Opera is running
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding[Accounts]
Added 11.60 Upgrade Mail=1
Default Mail Account=5
Next Available Id=8
Incoming Protocol=POP
Outgoing Protocol=SMTP
Incoming Port=995
Outgoing Port=587
Secure Connection In=1
Secure Connection Out=1
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=31
Outgoing Authentication Method=2
Incoming Timeout=60
Outgoing Timeout=90
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=0
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=1
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=1
Download Attachments=1
Leave On Server=1
Server Has Spam Filter=0
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=1
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=0
Sound Enabled=1
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Incoming Servername=pop.ziggo.nl
Incoming Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Outgoing Servername=smtp.ziggo.nl
Outgoing Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=1
Real Name=Mikosch - den Hollander
Organization=Home Office
Signature File={Resources}All User Mail/mail/signature5.txt
Sound File=C:\Windows\Media\Characters\Windows Print complete.wav
Reply=On %:Date:, %f wrote:
Forward=\n\n------- Forwarded message -------\nFrom: %:From:\nTo: %:To:\nCc: %:Cc:\nSubject: %:Subject:\nDate: %:Date:\n
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC=
Auto BCC=
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=0
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2[Account6]
Incoming Protocol=IMAP
Outgoing Protocol=SMTP
Incoming Port=993
Outgoing Port=587
Secure Connection In=1
Secure Connection Out=1
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=31
Outgoing Authentication Method=31
Incoming Timeout=60
Outgoing Timeout=90
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=0
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=0
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=0
Download Attachments=1
Leave On Server=0
Server Has Spam Filter=1
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=1
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=1
Sound Enabled=1
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=kdhtm@ziggo.nl (2)
Incoming Servername=imap.ziggo.nl
Incoming Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Outgoing Servername=smtp.ziggo.nl
Outgoing Username=kdhtm@ziggo.nl
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=4
Real Name=Mikosch - den Hollander
Organization=Home Office
Signature File={Resources}All User Mail/mail/signature6.txt
Sound File=
Reply=On %:Date:, %f wrote:
Forward=\n\n------- Forwarded message -------\nFrom: %:From:\nTo: %:To:\nCc: %:Cc:\nSubject: %:Subject:\nDate: %:Date:\n
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC=
Auto BCC=
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=1
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2[Account7]
Incoming Protocol=RSS
Outgoing Protocol
Incoming Port=0
Outgoing Port=0
Secure Connection In=0
Secure Connection Out=0
Secure Authentication=0
Incoming Authentication Method=0
Outgoing Authentication Method=0
Incoming Timeout=0
Outgoing Timeout=0
Remove From Server Delay Enabled=0
Remove From Server Delay=604800
Remove From Server Only If Marked As Read=0
Remove From Server Only If Complete Message=1
Initial Poll Delay=5
Poll Interval=300
Max Download Size=0
Purge Age=-1
Purge Size=-1
Download Bodies=0
Download Attachments=0
Leave On Server=1
Server Has Spam Filter=0
IMAP IDLE support=1
Permanent Delete=1
Queue Outgoing=0
Send Queued After Check=0
Mark Read If Seen=0
Sound Enabled=0
Manual Check Enabled=1
Add Contact When Sending=1
Show Warning For Empty Subject=1
Account Name=RSS
Incoming Servername
Incoming Username
Outgoing Servername
Outgoing Username
Force Charset=0
Allow 8Bit Headers=0
Allow 8Bit Transfer=0
Allow Incoming QuotedString QP=1
Prefer HTML Composing=4
Real Name
Signature File={Resources}All User Mail/mail/signature7.txt
Sound File
Remove Signature On Reply=1
Max QuoteDepth On Reply=-1
Max QuoteDepth On QuickReply=2
Auto CC
Auto BCC
Signature is HTML=0
Low bandwidth mode=0
Fetch Max Lines=100
Fetch Only Text=0
Default Direction=0
Default Store=2Maybe this helps figuring out what to do
Thomas -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by admin
Thanks for the clarification. I see that you do have a multiuser install and that you really just want the mail folder on the J drive.
Download the Opera Mail installer and launch it.
Click "options".
Set "install for" to "All users".
Set "install path" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera Mail".
Set "make Opera Mail the default" if given the option.
When Opera Mail starts up, close it.
Goto "C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail" and open operaprefs.ini with notepad.
Add the [Mail] section if it isn't there.
Under the [Mail] section, add:
Mail Root Directory=J:\Opera Mail Folder
and save. (literally put "Opera Mail Folder".)
You can then ignore the "mail" folder in "C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail".
Start Opera Mail (making sure the Opera Mail shortcut is pointing to "C:\Program Files\Opera Mail\operamail.exe).
Use "Menu -> mail and chat accounts -> add" to add all your acocunts.
Once you get that far, all you need to do is import messages that are no longer on the server. See the "for each pop account" part in this comment. You'll have to decide what old mail folder has the messages that are no longer on the server. Or, you can just import from all the store folders and delete the imported duplicates. Whatever you need to do. Then, you can import your contacts.
Once you have everything down, you can delete (or move to a backup just for good measure) all the OperaMail10 folders (the one on the J drive and the one's in the Roaming and Local AppData folders).
Then, Opera Mail should be installed correctly, but with a custom mail folder location.
tomskii9918 last edited by
Best burnout426 thanks a lot again for your extensive help - I appreciate it much.
I have a view points that I need to clarify.For the first part new installation of Opera I'm clear - I guess I do not do an install before that new installation?
When it gets to mail accounts -I'm not so sure anymore. I know it seems as if I had 7 accounts or so but that is not correct. It was probably the case that I always only had two active accounts (one IMAP and one POP). The rest are probably redundant accounts from previous versions and upgrades? But I understand I have to import them as well or at least the mails associated with them.
And here my problem starts how is that working out in detail - I'm not sure? Sorry but that is my slowness again. ANd before I do anything that prevents later repair I rather ask twice.
Have a good day -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
I guess I do not do an install before that new installation?
An uninstall? Correct. You don't need to uninstall anything before you do the new installation.
When it gets to mail accounts -I'm not so sure anymore. I know it seems as if I had 7 accounts or so but that is not correct. It was probably the case that I always only had two active accounts (one IMAP and one POP).
OK. Just use "Menu -> mail and chat accounts -> add" to just add the two accounts then.
The rest are probably redundant accounts from previous versions and upgrades? But I understand I have to import them as well or at least the mails associated with them.
And here my problem starts how is that working out in detail - I'm not sure?"Menu -> settings -> import and export -> import mail -> import generic mbox -> add folder". Point it to the store/accountN folder in the mail folder and set it to import into a new account. Then, repeat for each other accountN folder you want.
Then, you'll have your two account, and a bunch of other archive accounts so you can still see your old mail.
That'd be the easiest way for you I think.