Where are the bookmarks in Opera 18?
Antikapitalista last edited by
Originally posted by alderdale:
I can see that I have raised a touchy subject.
No; you raised a callous subject. Welcome on board of a capsized ship, soon to be foundered.
Opera has been determined to screw their users ever since their stubborn refusal to implement features that others considered standard (such as autocompletion of forms). Some of the Opera staff have even gone as far as spitting into the users' faces, claiming that they do not need the features for which they had been clamouring for years and years, literally.
Of course, as a company in crapitalism, they are after money first and foremost. And the management found out that anyone could make more money with a chromium clone than Opera was making with its browser... so they ditched it completely and jumped on the bandwagon of freeriding on that faddish bloatware... ostensibly for the sake of "mobile applications", of course.
Feel free to bitch here, though. They are quite callous, as you see. The new version does not even have BMs, as you noticed. And it never will, I suppose, despite all their endless promises in the past months of "prioritizing" and all such crap, because the dark forces had decided that it should be without BMs, so it shall remain so. Perhaps they are sadists.
All those cries and wailing have been to no avail. Rather than listening to the woes, they have now decided to shut down the whole venue from where it has been coming. Apparently, this could be called "Opera solution" in the future.
Yet one thing never ceases to amaze me. The abundance of blindly fanatical brain-damaged fanboys, who crop up in almost every thread an personally attack the complainer in an absurd effort to defend the indefensible.
Originally posted by scratchspace:
Originally posted by alderdale:
I downloaded Opera 18 about an hour ago. . . .
I now have endless fun explaining all of this to everyone I meet and we all have a good laugh at Opera's expense.
Installing, using, and exploring Opera, and "explaining all of this to everyone I meet"? You've certainly managed to pack a lot of activity into the space of an hour.
Only the feeble-minded would not find out in an hour what features the new Opera were missing. (I wonder how long it could have taken you, especially considering you reading comprehension skills... In case it still has not occurred to some: he was having "endless fun explaining it to everyone" after that one-hour horrible experience.)
Deleted User last edited by
For some odd reason, Opera chose to follow the trends in web browsing. Already dead browser with practically zero market share went to try something new that most of its old users don't like at all and still finds million excuses why 15+ is better than older ones. I still use good old Opera 12 because it suits my needs and has everything I need, but I'm getting rather tired of Presto acting weird on hundreds of webpages. I still hope Opera will listen to its users and implement its good old features it made the browser so much better than its competitors but so far it appears to me that the great browser that once was is fading away. I'll hold my breath and wait for until new year than I guess I'll finally quit and move along to something useful instead.
soraben last edited by
I love opera and I will just use as many versions of it as I need. So far I use opera 12.16, Opera 18 and Opera Next.
The only thing I want fixed is the stash. I would like to be able to move items in the stash up and down. If I can already, please tell me how. Thank you!
I also advise opera makers to take version 12.16 and put the good speed dial and stash stuff in there WITHOUT removing anything or adding too much!
Thats all I want.. Opera 12.16 with Stash and the speed dial system. Thank you!
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by soraben:
I also advise opera makers to take version 12.16 and put the good speed dial and stash stuff in there WITHOUT removing anything or adding too much!
Thats all I want.. Opera 12.16 with Stash and the speed dial system. Thank you!
Unfortunately this will not happen. Opera Presto is finished as far as any further additions or development to the suite is concerned. The only thing they will do is add security patches... period. The browser is getting older now and its compatibility with many web sites is increasingly poor. They're not going to spend time adding Speed Dial and Stash to a browser that can no longer open many sites online. It's over I'm afraid.
saiyan last edited by
Originally posted by ersi:
You are doing it wrong. Not that Opera does it right, but anyway
How can I be doing anything wrong?
Opera should "just works" when it comes to importing bookmarks from either old version of Opera or from other browsers.Originally posted by ersi:
Here are instructions on how to import bookmarks from old Opera to Chropera via Chrome http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/show.dml/107676502?startidx=150#comment112459182
Wait a minute.. I have to use Chrome and one of its extension before I can import bookmarks into Opera?
No thanks.Originally posted by ersi:
Then there are also command strings: "<Full path to Opera 17>\launcher.exe" --presto-small-prefs-dir="<Full Path to Opera Presto>\profile" more instructions - http://my.opera.com/community/forums/findpost.pl?id=14856552
I tried this approach but it still does not have the option to import into QAB...
Originally posted by ersi:
As you see, instead of high-tech geeky feature-rich bloat, the company has turned to a solid product that "simply works". Everybody be happy now.
Opera 18 simply works???
Let me take a look at "import to QAB" function...
Hmm... no. It still does not work.. -
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by saiyan:
Opera 18 simply works?
Sarchasm: the gulf of understanding between the one using it and the one not understanding it.
Importing bookmarks works fine, for importing from a previous Opera version in my experience. Later, we may get import of bookmarks from other browsers. For now, I recommend installing old Opera and using that as your default. Test Opera 18+ onwards alongside it and use it for those sites that don't work in old Opera.
Give it another six months before Opera 25 (or whatever) is worth upgrading to.
Originally posted by saiyan:
I tried this approach but it still does not have the option to import into QAB...
Did you enable the QAB using "opera:flags" and then Settings?
tonyire57 last edited by
Hello I am new to this and this is my first ever post. I was looking for an alternative browser to firefox and have used opera in the past however i have the same problem i like to use bookmarks and have no way of importing them into opera 18 or at least a quick way.
My solution and it works for me until something is done. I exported my bookmarks file HTML from firefox to a folder in my pc directory then opened with opera 18 all the bookmarks are seen as a web page then i just added that page to speed dial I can scroll down and click the bookmark i want and this works for me granted it is not in a fancy tab however this solution works until something is done.
As i said this is my first ever post anywhere and don't profess to be any kind of expert just found a solution that works for now
A Former User last edited by
Simple solutions are often the best — at least until something better is available.
Users who have synchronised Opera can simply bookmark this page to find their bookmarks using any browser without needing to import them anywhere.
saiyan last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Did you enable the QAB using "opera:flags" and then Settings?
Oh yes.. QAB is enabled already.. I'm staring at the blank QAB bar that says "For quick access, add your bookmarks to this bar".
A Former User last edited by
So have you tried to import your bookmarks using the Bookmark Importer on the Opera menu, More Tools?
You don't have to use any extensions.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by rilef:
That is, you don't get a second chance for a first-time installation.
If that happens, try this:
"<Path to Opera 18>\launcher.exe" --presto-small-prefs-dir="<Path to Old Opera>\profile"
saiyan last edited by
I have already tried the command line option "--presto-small-prefs-dir" before and it did not work.
FYI. I had Opera 12 x64 installed before so my Opera 12 profile is in C:\Users[my_user_name]\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera x64.
And here this is what I ran at the command line window.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\launcher.exe" --presto-small-prefs-dir="C:\Users[my_user_name]\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera x64"
Opera 18 launched with all new profile and enabled QAB.
When I entered "opera://bookmark-importer" in the address bar and clicked on either "Convert to Speed Dial" or "Convert to Quick Access Bar", the "Imported Bookmarks" is basically blank except a "Back" button a message that said "Bookmarks inside a folder will be merged into one Speed Dial folder.".(If the wrong profile directory was entered at command line, Bookmark Importer won't even have this "Imported Bookmarks" section displayed.
cooljoebay last edited by
I fully agree with the op. The new opera is a piece of shit. There's no nice way to put it. It's a major step backwards. And it seems like a political move to me because I know NOBODY is stupid enough to have created this version on purpose and with good intentions. They probably want to piss everyone off just to get attention. Its all about competition and profit I guess. If I am wrong, then prove it. Goodbye quality product. Hello, prettier but dumber one. :rip:
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by cooljoebay:
If I am wrong, then prove it.
See how to enable the personal toolbar in Opera 18.
You are wrong in so many ways, but I won't bother to go into details. It has all been said before. Search the forums before posting nonsense.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by cooljoebay:
If I am wrong, then prove it.
See how to enable the personal toolbar in Opera 18.
You are wrong in so many ways, but I won't bother to go into details. It has all been said before. Search the forums before posting nonsense.
The forums say many things. For example, the forums say that the QAB is not a bookmarks manager. Some official comments by the employees imply that the bookmarks manager is in the making, hence it is non-existent right now. On the other hand, the original intention appears to have been that everybody should be happy with the extended speed dial for all their bookmarks and their management. Then again, the bookmarks importer doesn't work for the majority, as seen in the current thread. Etc.
If you were objective, you would be capable of some adequate comparisons between the current product and Opera 11 that you use, and also compare the current product with other browsers. In which browser are bookmarks an experimental feature hidden under advanced settings, risky and unreliable to switch on?
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by ersi:
For example, the forums say that the QAB is not a bookmarks manager.
cooljoebay complained about the lack of a personal toolbar, aka Bookmarks Bar, aka Quick Access Bar. I think rilef's comment explains why it's not enabled by default yet.
Originally posted by rilef:
The current implementation of the Quick Access Bar(QAB)/Bookmarks Toolbar appears to be a temporary patch, not a permanent, albeit incomplete, solution to the absence of bookmarks. The QAB database appears to be a plain text file, named simply "bookmarks", and kept in the user's profile folder, rather than in a modern database file.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
Originally posted by ersi:
For example, the forums say that the QAB is not a bookmarks manager.
cooljoebay complained about the lack of a personal toolbar, aka Bookmarks Bar, aka Quick Access Bar. I think rilef's comment explains why it's not enabled by default yet.
Originally posted by rilef:
The current implementation of the Quick Access Bar(QAB)/Bookmarks Toolbar appears to be a temporary patch, not a permanent, albeit incomplete, solution to the absence of bookmarks. The QAB database appears to be a plain text file, named simply "bookmarks", and kept in the user's profile folder, rather than in a modern database file.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! If it's a plain-text file that's freaking fantastic! The first good news I've heard.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by rilef:
The "bookmarks" plain text file, if it indeed serves as the QAB database, is the only Opera 18 database I've found that is plain text. That's why I think it's a temporary, quick fix.
Would you rather access your data through SQLite? I've had to do some of that in Firefox. It's a huge increase in complexity with not one single advantage as far as I can see. It just puts the user further away from their data. I can do it, but that's besides the point. If Opera had thrown up database-based obstacles back in 2001 chances are I wouldn't be able to today.
I'm probably wrong, but I prefer to think of it as a first step toward bringing Opera/Presto proper Unix-style plain-text configuration to the overall atrocity of Chromium.
Edit: grammar "If Opera would've thrown up" -> "If Opera had thrown up"
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Frenzie:
Would you rather access your data through SQLite? I've had to do some of that in Firefox. It's a huge increase in complexity with not one single advantage as far as I can see.
Because you tried to see it from the perspective of an user.
If you try to see it from the perspective of a contractor, there is a big advantage which you already mentioned:Originally posted by Frenzie:
It just puts the user further away from their data.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by Krake:
If you try to see it from the perspective of a contractor, there is a big advantage which you already mentioned
I'm not sure who the contractor is, but how do they profit from that?