The fat lady sang. Now the OPERA IS OVER. All you boot lickers and optimists can take your foolish asses back to the closet. A new browser will eventually come around that intends to give everything that all the "players" won't. It won't be Opera.
Latest posts made by cooljoebay
RE: Where do Opera 12.16 users go now Opera is dead?Opera for Windows
RE: What happens to opera 12 and presto engine?Opera for Windows
Well. I found a website where a team is developing another free browser that attempts to offer all the best features from both Opera and Firefox in one. I don't think there will be any third party plugins offered at this time. Because there won't be any need for it. What has attracted me is the fact they are going to include a personal toolbar like Opera had. But better. This one seems to be VERY user friendly. The website isn't up yet. But I'll be waiting for it. Adios Opera. You abandoned your users for some political reason. To Hell with you. The best features are gone from Opera. So I am done with it.
RE: What happened to Opera while I've been gone?Opera for Windows
Sunnuva Nut. I went from 12.16 to THIS!! What a piece of SHIT. And to think how many hundreds of times I took a few seconds to click on that jelp menu to send information about a broken website. Apparently they don't listen at all to the users. This is getting to be like the bureaucratic Micro$uck. If that's the case, then its time to switch to a different one. Guess I''ll go back to Firefox. Not my favorite choice. But at least it isn't like that piece of hogshit Chrome.
RE: Where are the bookmarks in Opera 18?Opera for Windows
I fully agree with the op. The new opera is a piece of shit. There's no nice way to put it. It's a major step backwards. And it seems like a political move to me because I know NOBODY is stupid enough to have created this version on purpose and with good intentions. They probably want to piss everyone off just to get attention. Its all about competition and profit I guess. If I am wrong, then prove it. Goodbye quality product. Hello, prettier but dumber one. :rip: