Synchronizing the dictionary!
A Former User last edited by
So, I was tooling around the site and looking to see where the dictionary was (I still haven't found it but I am sure I can find it on my own with grep or locate and a little effort) and I realized exactly how lazy I am. However, I needn't be lazy - I can be productive and suggest you do my work for me.
See, lots of words aren't in the default dictionary and I help at a variety of Linux communities and whatnot. So, I end up with lots of custom words in my dictionary. I mean a lot... Heck, not even Obama was in the dictionary (it still isn't, I see this now).
So, while syncing the data from one to another - how about the ability to sync the custom dictionary? This shouldn't be all that difficult and, well, I know of no other browser that offers this feature - it would be awesome!
As it is, I'm going to use something like Box or DropBox and a cron job and make my own darn sync for now. It'd be much niftier to have this done automagically in the browser. I'll send you hookers and beer. I'm not proud, I'll bribe my way to a new feature.
If I hack the source to do it can I push a patch upstream on git?
It'd also be nice to have a way to manage the dictionary - delete words that you don't want in there any more because you entered then in the midst of a brain fart. But I'll limit my requests to one at a time.
A Former User last edited by
LOL Thanks for approving this mods. I've figured out where the confusion was and I can easily imagine why such a policy would be in place.
Also, I've set a cron job to sync the dictionary to my DropBox folder which will then automatically keep it synced online and I can then sync that to my other computers if I want but I've gotten lazy and have yet to do that.
Next on the list: Bribe my way to a pre-built BSD package.
A Former User last edited by
I've not looked (though I'm sure I will, I'm sure I will) but it would be unusual for that to be in the proprietary section I should think. I'm assuming that proprietary is in blobs so it's not like I'd have easy access anyhow.
And yeah, that might have been the word/phrase or it might have had something to do with the word that I mentioned that was not in spell check. (I'm trying to phrase it so I don't make you do more work.) I suspect they might not want that kind of stuff discussed as it does tend to derail topics and then they degenerate into silliness.
Anyhow, for now I have it working. I may just set up a cron job to curl the .txt file and place it in my config folder automatically. I could probably do it in Python and then just share that w/SAMBA and "install" it and have it run that way. That way, well, no code modification required.
(I just found the emoticons, I have no good excuse.)
I think it would make an awesome feature and it'd be good to see Opera leading the way again. I used to pay for Opera, well license it, but that is no more. I kind of liked paying for it. I like supporting projects that I enjoy. So, I leave the search on default and hope that's enough - I do a lot of searching on behalf of other people.
I also don't think that this code will be tough to implement or tough to maintain once in place. It should be a fairly trivial single line (maybe three) and another line to comment it. Hmm... Assuming C++ (I've so not looked) then, yeah, probably just a few lines to a static file and pretty easy to implement and maintain.
For now, I have figured out my own way of doing this. I'll check again to see if it's implemented in the future but I have a couple of features already requested so I won't bug the devs too much for this one. I understand... I am also not sure how many folks would use it. I'd love it but I'm a bit... umm... different.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Not really ... how many people have a computer at work, one at home and various mobile devices? Wouldn't it be nice to add names to the dictionary so that Opera doesn't always underline them - and email addresses (or rather, the parts thereof) - and only have to add them once instead of to every machine? I don't see that as an unusual request. What about words specific to your field that the dictionary doesn't include? I mean, I'd bet "cron" isn't there (I'm on a tablet just now so can't say if the desktop versions know it).
A Former User last edited by
Those people might spell better than I do.
But yes, I think it's a good idea and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'll check to find out where the dictionary is on the tablet edition and see if that can be sync'ed too - there's a cron job for Android, at least I'm pretty sure there is. Right now my tablet's running Ubuntu so I can't really say.
Then again, with all the misspelling on the internet (and I'm a horrific speller - which is why I check it) I'm guessing lots of people don't use it. I'm pretty sure it's on by default in all the major browsers which means that someone's going along and turning it off or dealing with a lot of squiggly lines. I am only able to conclude that they assume they're good at spelling? On the other hand, even though I'm old, I'm still not that confident and I actually feel a bit lost if I have to use paper.
Ah well, hopefully it is added. I know there are now at least two of us who like the idea.
A Former User last edited by
I wish i could bring MS Word's dictionary and autocorrect to Opera. Is there any possibility to link these to Opera's dictionary?