Error 496
jolmangomez last edited by
Hola, estoy presentando el mismo error 496 desde el día de ayer, alguien que nos de una respuesta
Hi, I am presenting the same mistake 496 from yesterday , someone give us an answer
claudebisson last edited by
I have the same problem. New Samsung blu-ray BD-J5700/ZC opera tv store will not open at all. Error code 496 "your device is not supported"
I purchased this model specically as it is wifi enabled but I cannot surf the web without a browser. Youtube Netflix etc. Work fine. Only the Opera store does not open.
Spoke to 6 different agents. Reset the machine several times and dated to the latest software version. No one can figure it out. They said to contact The Opera web site as it is not a Samsung problem.
Out of luck with Samsung's tech people. Might as well return this player as it is not working as advertised.
itsasony last edited by
My friend with new Samsung bluray player J5700 ERROR 496. Its been setup with wifi and can stream movies but he hasn't been able to download any new apps yet because of this error. Samsung reports this is your problem (OperaTV), not Samsung's problem.
So who is helping us?
deeharmonic last edited by
I wish I had seen this before I purchased my new bluray. I got it specifically to get apps and have numerous services on one device. Yet here I am stuck with a plain Jane bluray because the Opera TV store app is not supported for my device (Error 496). I will probably be returning my device for something without this TV store app since there's absolutely no support, apparently, offered for this obviously reoccurring problem.
marcoduhn last edited by
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich habe vor kurzem den Blu-Ray Player J5900/EN erworben und konnte vor dem neuen Update, was von November 2015 ist, den Opera TV-Store freundlich bedienen. Seit dem neuen Update kommt jetzt beim starten des Opera TV Store ständig die Fehlermeldung 496.
Habe auch schon den Player ein paar mal auf Werkseinstellung zurückgesetzt.Mit der höflichen bitte um recherchierung.
Dear Ladys and Gentlemen,
I bought the Blu-Ray player J5900 / EN recently and was before the new update, which is from November 2015 the Opera TV Store service friendly. Since the new update now constantly comes when you start the Opera TV Store the error 496th
Property already the player a few times reset to factory settings.With the polite request for help.
Best Regards
regi707 last edited by
Hi there,
I have the same problem with error 496 we are sorry but your device is not supported. My blue ray palyer is a Samsung BD J 5500.
All other apps which also require internet as YouTube or Amazon instand video work without any problems just opera don't work...Please let me know how to fix the problem!
Thank you!
Best regards
Regina -
baritoneb last edited by
Same problem here on a Samsung BD-J5900 which I received less than a week ago. I set it up on Thursday night and the Opera store worked fine (but no iplayer or ITV hub or All 4 - so pretty poor - but at least iplayer is meant to be coming). But today after "Browser initialising, please wait..." for a second or two it then displays a picture of a TV with a line through it nd a message saying "We are sorry but your device is not supported (err:496)." Worse still if I then just press Exit on the remote the whole box freezes and the only way to get it back is to unplug it. The workaround appears to be to press Return before Exit - but I'm not sure if that's always the case. As for the amazon store - many times the box never gets past the initial loading g message and then I just have a black screen. But other times it does work.
I have a wired ethernet connection and the network settings are always good. I'm on the latest firmware. So it seems that this Opera TV Store and it's apps are flakes at best.
It would be nice to get a response from someone from Opera...
marcoduhn last edited by
I believe that there is no support! My message of December remains unanswered.
TomaszStawarz Opera last edited by
Apologize for late answer. We are aware about the problem and working together with Samsung to fix it.
Tomasz -
baritoneb last edited by
I finally got around to contacting Samsung Support by email about this today and got the following response which worked for me:
In regards to your query about the BD-J5900, please try to reset it by press and holding the Open/Close button on the front panel of the player for more than 5 seconds with no disc inserted.
marcoduhn last edited by
Hello, despite hardware reset the BD-j5900 as described above, there is a problem with the Opera browser error code 496 continues.
By asking for a solution.Best Regards
Marco DuhnHallo...................
Trotz Hardware Reset beim BD-5900 wie oben beschrieben, besteht das Problem mit dem Opera Browser Fehlercode 496 weiterhin.
Mit der bitte um eine Lösung.Mit sonnigen Grüßen
Marco Duhn -
diepotato last edited by admin
I just purchased a Samsung BD-JM57C/ZA and Opera TV Store is giving me the same error:
""We are sorry but your device is not supported (err:496)"
And then it hangs my system forcing me to unplug it from the wall.
This is extremely annoying since this blu-ray player is listed in the support list:'ve got about 30 days to return it...
checkoperasystem16 last edited by
Unplugged from wall...did NOT work
Held open/close button for 5 seconds...This prompted reset....did NOT work
Held open/ close button for 15 seconds....This prompted reset, but ALSO brought up Opera's terms of agreement. Scrolled thru terms, & THIS WORKED!!!