Extension wishlist
mixal111 last edited by
I would like to use opera but I'm missing mouse gestures. Some are build-in, but only some basic and no chance to customize/add them.
I don't understand why mouse gestures are build in if they are half baked. Till Opera 21 developer PigToolbox gestures from chrome worked perfectly, now they don't. I had to switch to FF, just watching Opera if it gets better.
Deleted User last edited by
I need the following features before I can even consider to use Opera again as my default browser:
Bookmarks as in Opera 12.x
What the hell are Opera Devs thinking who they are? 5 Versions of new Opera and no usable (sic!) Bookmarks at all? This is ridiculous. -
tab groups
One of my most used features of Opera 12 was the ability to stack Tabs into groups. Five versions after launching a absolute unusable because featureless browser this absolutely necessary feature is still missing. -
editable keyboard short cuts
No editable keyboard short cuts at this time. If it were not a shame, I'd laugh all the time. -
Empty new page
I hate this crap on each new tab. I need a plugin to get rid of all this nonsense (stash, discover, Google search bar and whatever). I want a plain light grey empty page. Period.
andreasbovens last edited by
Till Opera 21 developer PigToolbox gestures from chrome worked perfectly, now they don't. I had to switch to FF, just watching Opera if it gets better.
We're looking into why this is.
-i'd love to see tabvault again.
How about https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/tabpacker/?display=en
-perhaps a button to run browser in a text mode (linux has some text based browsers). its good for productivity, this way you can search and read etc without distractions.
How about https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/cleanpages/?display=en
better password support as part of Opera or an extension
Maybe https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/local-pass-store/?display=en does what you want.
kirsche40: stay on topic please.
lem729 last edited by
A password manager where you don't have to put your passwords in the cloud, or on a third party website -- something close to what Opera gave us in the past with the wand. I don't want to put something in the cloud or on a third plarty website because of experiences where personal information has been stolen that way. It feels to me safer just kept on my own computer.
albert71292 last edited by
Something similar to the PopVideo extension available for Firefox... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/popvideo/
muhayerboy last edited by
Social Fixer for Opera does not work. Has anyone found a way to get it installed?
muhayerboy last edited by
Social Fixer for Opera does not work. Has anyone found a way to get it installed?
I use windows
linuxmint7 last edited by
Social Fixer for Opera does not work. Has anyone found a way to get it installed?
This is the 'Extension wishlist', it's not a place to report problems, but a place to request new extensions that do not yet exist or maybe of use to other users.
cecilia last edited by
A password manager where you don't have to put your passwords in the cloud, or on a third party website -- something close to what Opera gave us in the past with the wand. I don't want to put something in the cloud or on a third plarty website because of experiences where personal information has been stolen that way. It feels to me safer just kept on my own computer.
oh, amen to the Wand!
there's no way I'd trust my personal info on a cloud.
using the Wand feature meant I all I had to do was copy that one file from any copy of Opera I had (windows, linux, portable) and I was good to goI want to be in control
not at the mercy of others
cecilia last edited by
I'm sticking with Opera 12.16 because I just can not find anything that is as convenient and useful as the built-in Notes.
it's one of THE most useful features that Opera has (had) and I can't live without it.
If I have tab-vault I can get around not having bookmarks, but not having Notes is a complete deal-breaker for me
lem729 last edited by
I use the extension Browse ++ (with Opera 20) and it's reasonable for notes. I did prefer the old note feature in Opera 12.16, but this extension is sufficient for me for the time being. It also gives you a waste basket for closed tabs, though there, I prefer Sexy Undo Closed Tab in the Chrome store, which is quite good. I would like a notes function (as an extension) at least as strong as the one that was in Opera 12.16, where when you take a note to a website, the link to that website, automatically goes in the note. Then if you open the note, and click on the link-address, it automatically opened up the website page (relating to which the note was taken) in the browser.. Also, I'd like the notes function to not require registration with some place on the internet. The notes should be strictly on one's computer. With Browse ++ I can take a note, but have to manually copy and paste the address. And then to go there, I have to copy the address from the notes, and paste it into the address bar. So using it is not bad, but it's a bit more work.
colderwinters last edited by
A fully featured Tabs Extension with all the features that Tabs Mix Plus for firefox has, All of the Tabs Extensions i've seen for Chrome and opera are severly lacking
lem729 last edited by
For undoing a closed tab, "Sexy Undo Closed Tab" (it's a Chrome extension) is, I think, pretty, good. And you can get it to use Control Z as a shortcut, instead of Control Shift T. "TooManyTabs for Chrome" seems to be the one most people talk about. It seems very complex. Just mentioning it in case you haven't tried it.
I agree that something like Tabs Mix Plus would be great.
aeridus last edited by
I can't find anything in the extension API currently for moving tabs to the bottom of the screen like I'm able to do in Opera 12.
hbenthow last edited by
I would like an extension for Opera 15+ that simulates the View Bar from Opera 12 (with a search in page field on the left and options to zoom the page being viewed in or out 50%, 100% 150%, etc on the right), that can be set to appear on the bottom of the browser window instead of the top.
vladimirzhirinovski last edited by
In dial-up days, I relied on Opera's ability to toggle images on/off. High-speed has removed that need, but off-site or remote ads (mostly images/multimedia) are equally, if not more annoying.
I was pleased to find that Opera kept the "Toggle Image" feature, but kind of surprised that nobody (opera/mozilla/micro$haft) seems to have a feature to "block any content not originating from THIS PARTICULAR website." What an easy way to fight band-width wasting, time-wasting, intelligence-lowering nonsense!
Have I missed an obvious extension/plugin?
Anybody know of one? Anybody interested in writing one, or giving me some pointers where to start writing it?
deld1ablo last edited by
Tabbing with right mouse + wheel, and doing it via 12.17s tab list, minus thumbnails?vladimirzhirinovski: Because a web page might embed images. 4chan does this, and several tons of webpages. I agree it would be a very nice feature.