New Opera beta 35
mayapi3 last edited by
I develop some websites and i see since the new update of opera 35 :
- impossible for Opera Beta to be compatible with the "perpective" attribute in Css3.
At this time , its the only bug, but its very annoying
Chrome and Explorer 100% working
Opera and Firefox 100% Fail
l33t4opera last edited by
The first Opera beta update in 2016 - 35.0.2066.23
The change log, and the announcement
"This is a maintenance update with the following highlights:
- We have improved stability and performance in both the regular and Turbo modes,
- We back-ported the DNA-47276 renderer crash fix,
- The bookmark deduplication should now perform more smoothly with the fix of DNA-47472,
- Linux users should now be able to enjoy Netflix videos – please check out!"
"Small comment about the Netflix support on Linux, it's not so straightforward to make it work. This is what you need:
- compatible widevine libraries (see /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera-beta/resources/widevine_config.json for search paths, version 48.x). I'm pretty sure some distros have a separate package for it with some custom installation dir,
ffmpeg with h264 support (e.g. chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra version 48.x),
fake user agent to Chromium (--user-agent command line switch).
This version 48 is determined by chromium version our product is based on, major version mismatches sometimes work, but no guarantee."
The source link.
\m/ :cheers:
rrrgg last edited by
Mac version still erroneous DRM load for Widevine in Amazon Video under b35.02.2066.23 and Mac OSX 10.11.2
"Your web browser is missing a digital rights component. In the address bar, go to opera://plugins and ensure Widevine Content Decryption Module is enabled."
dutchnode last edited by
Nice.....However, also in Opera 35 for Linux (Installed in Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon),
the bookmark page looks "crashed". Looking forward to have that fixed so that bookmarks
can be browsed from the bookmarks page rather than from the TABS page, which I now use
as a workaround (screenshot available, if required).
Thank you. -
l33t4opera last edited by
New Update - Opera beta 35.0.2066.35
The change log, and the announcement.
"In short: today’s beta update is going to be our stable release candidate. We have fixed the nuisance of private window address bar not accepting input from the keyboard when maximized, and improved the overall build stability.
If you notice any new quality issues, please let us know it the comments!"
\m/ :cheers:
xfranky last edited by
Hi! Long time no post... ^_^
Anybody having issues with the bookmark manager (Bookmarks -> Show all bookmarks) not working on Linux? (Ubuntu 14.04.03)
It shows a weird repetition of the top-left corner of the browser window with some hue-modified colors. o_O -
l33t4opera last edited by admin
Hi @xfranky, if this, what you see looks similar to that, what is shown in the screenshot here, then most probably it's a problem with your graphics card driver, and in that case, you can try to follow one of the tips, which I mentioned here - except that, instead of
/usr/bin/opera --disable-gpu-compositing
, you run/usr/bin/opera-beta --disable-gpu-compositing
, and instead ofusr/bin/opera --disable-gpu
, you call/usr/bin/opera-beta --disable-gpu
l33t4opera last edited by
The Opera 35.0.2066.37 has been promoted the the stable channel
This is the first stable release, which provides also 32-bit packages for
The change log, and the announcement.
Mute tabs
Sometimes, you close a tab just after you opened it because there is a loud ad or auto-playing video.
Now, we’ve made it easier for you to mute the sound from a website so you can continue viewing or reading the page without closing its tab.
From the tab’s context menu, we also added an option to mute all other tabs. This is especially helpful in some cases when you are, for example, listening to music on YouTube while browsing sites with auto-play sounds and videos that interfere with your music.
Improved downloads
We’ve made many improvements to the download popup in Opera for computers, and, for version 35, it’s high time we roll out a refreshed interface which gives you a better view of downloaded files.
Beyond the interface, we also included quick links for the most used file formats: documents, PDFs, images, music, videos, archives and others.
Many of you reported that, especially on slower networks, Opera for computers exits without warning that a file is downloading. Now, we will double check with you to ensure that your file has been downloaded. You will get a popup message to confirm if you want to close the browser while you are still downloading in the background.
Customize as you like
We love testing how you use the browser because that’s the most efficient way to get feedback from real people about Opera for computers.
We see that you love customizing your browser. And, Opera for computers has options for customization. Thanks to you who agreed to send us anonymous usage statistics. We were able to see the frequently-changed settings.
This is why we introduce a new, basic section in Opera’s settings.
Now, you can easily decide on options for start-up behavior, downloads, bookmarks bar or cookies. We have not only gathered big data, we also listened to live users’ feedback and added the possibility to change themes directly from settings.
Good News for Linux Users!
Linux systems coverage has increased. We made Opera 35 Stable for 32bit platform architecture and we’re also adding RPM packages.
These are the most visible changes we introduced in this release. There are many more changes under the hood. Read through the change log if you want to see them all.
It is just the beginning of 2016. Stay tuned and you will hear about a lot of cool stuff we have planned for you. And, as always, let us know what you think about Opera for computers in the comments.
\m/ :cheers:
grierzo last edited by
Thanks for the changes, I like the mute and mute other tabs additions. Very useful!
Also appreciate you considering the addition of a separate search window, as this is something I have missed. However in its present form it only allows you to use the default search engine, the same one as the main window, so it brings little benefit. It would be much better if you could quickly select from a drop down menu the search engine you need for a particular search. Thanks!
l33t4opera last edited by
Important security update - Opera stable 35.0.2066.82
The change log, and the announcement.
"In today’s release, we provide an important Chromium security update – more on the update in this Softpedia article.
Also, if you take a look at the change log, you’ll see that it breaks the record of brevity. There’s only one entry there – we fixed a crash on dragging a pinned tab.
Unfortunately, the fix for DNA-47405 “Monitor won’t go sleep when Opera has animated theme” proved to be more complicated to backport than expected (yes, these things happen sometimes) and didn’t make it to the release. Truly sorry for that.
The Chromium version with the security fix is now 48.0.2564.116.
\m/ :cheers:
l33t4opera last edited by
New build - Opera stable 35.0.2066.92
The change log, and the announcement.
"Today’s quick stability and performance update fixes the following issues:
DNA-49372 – Opera stops responding/freezes on various sites on Windows 10
The infamous issue on Windows 10 should now be gone. Please check whether your Twitter, Facebook and similar sites work for you.
DNA-47405 – Monitor won’t go sleep when Opera has animated theme
Your machine should now utilize the display sleep mode when the animated theme is in use.
DNA-43687 – [Linux] Mosaic of tab bar artifacts instead of Web UIs when hardware accelerated
We’ve finally made it. Linux users, please let us know if you still have any visual artifacts when using hardware acceleration."
\m/ :cheers: