Opera won't load/draw/show ANY page
blackbird71 last edited by admin
I'm using Win 8.1 and i don't update my win, so you theory is wrong. Yesterday everything was alright, today i've launched win, and opened my Opera and ffs, nothing can be open and everything is loading, i reinstalled opera, nothing changed, now i'm using opera for developers 31...
I've been wrong before, so this is nothing new or threatening. What is puzzling is why other updated users are not experiencing these very real problems. There is one other thread ( https://forums.opera.com/topic/10248/opera-starts-blank-since-verion-30-stable/2 ) that seems to have noted a similar issue, along with the posts in this thread. Usually when a lot of users are trouble-free, but a handful have a similar problem, there is some setting or other software interactions involved that are unique to the problem systems. Of course, that doesn't exclude a bug in Opera, since certain kinds of bugs only show up under certain conditions or on certain systems. The object is to isolate what is happening and why, which may be tied to whatever unique conditions are common to all the problem systems and might be triggering the Opera code to crash in some way on those systems. I do note several of the reports above involve the Opera crash occurring after a system reboot or Windows restart has been done. Again, just looking for clues...
flytrapextreme last edited by
I'm having the same problem with a never ending loading screen, even trying to open the options page still same loading blank page, found out today at 6/10/2015, I uninstalled and reinstalled 2 times, nothing fixed this, I'm on Windows 8.1 64-bit.
A Former User last edited by
I have the same issues..... this is the first time in many many many years i need to use this forum.....
just blindly reinstalling does not help.
uninstalling (removing all user settings)>reboot>installing does not work.I'm forced to use firefox or chrome atm....
Not even a single tab works...(speeddial, options, downloads, extentions etc etc) all opera does is display a loading tab... or more then 1 loading tab
xxoliasxx last edited by
like i said it must be the opera update causing this problem because i reinstalled windows the day before and everything was working the next day i did the same and nothing was working anymore... even without installing any update....
embb last edited by
download this version: http://www.filehippo.com/download_opera/61354/
I have it back to work using this one and will wait for a new 30.x version -
A Former User last edited by
thanks for the link... uninstalling version 30 and reinstalling older version worked.... must be the version 30....
I also use 64bit version....
bkazmierczak last edited by
can you please try to run Opera, via command line parameters aslauncher.exe --with-feature:"mse-h264-support"=off
and let us know if the issue still exist? launcher.exe exist in the installation folder.
Deleted User last edited by
YES... that did the trick.
So it might be a graphics card issue. I got a reply to my bug report asking what graphics card I'm using, so I'm curious. What about others? I have an ATI Radeon HD 3600
Deleted User last edited by
The problem seems specific to users of Windows N.
Well that's just plain weird. N should be nothing but Windows without the media player.
falloutboy09 last edited by
So where are the developers asking questions, requesting reports or logs?
I moan and bitch a lot about blink Opera, but I am happy to help you guys out in every way I can to solve issues -
skados last edited by
thank you all for pinpoiting the problem and finding a fix.
I used the backup installation but the launch parameters seem to be a more elegant solution.
Thanks again and have a nice day!
falloutboy09 last edited by
So where are the developers asking questions, requesting reports or logs?
I moan and bitch a lot about blink Opera, but I am happy to help you guys out in every way I can to solve issuesOk, this comment is making me looking really like dork. But you all know how refreshing a tab u have open for days works. U kinda forget to press it again, just the moment before you click reply.
Alrigh, I added the --with-feature:"mse-h264-support"=off command to the launcher. And yes, it works as I am now writing from my "normal" opera version.
BUT, why is my flash player turned off?
Why can't I disable "use html5 player" in Youtube?
Why is under flags
MSE & H.264 support - still the option "standard (activated)" selected?
and WHY can't I ctrl+tab between my open tabs?Version: 30.0.1835.52 - Updates deactivated
Update-Stream: Stable
Betriebssystem: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64) (yes the N version)And something else, how come I never had issues with this MSE-h264 setting? Cause I explicitly activated it via the flags menu and a few other that are semi-related to these things.
And yes, I will activate the update process again, to get to the newest version after I posted this.
fingers crossed that it all works outEDIT: man, making paragraphs / passages here is sometimes really painful
Edit2: Updated to 30.0.1835.59, Opera only works with the added command to the launcher the aforementioned errors still persist.
vitalyster last edited by
The problem seems specific to users of Windows N.
And Windows Server without Desktop Experience installed
bkazmierczak last edited by
And Windows Server without Desktop Experience installed
Thanks for this update
A Former User last edited by
can you please try to run Opera, via command line parameters as
launcher.exe --with-feature:"mse-h264-support"=off
and let us know if the issue still exist? launcher.exe exist in the installation folder.This works for me
i'm using a AMD Radeon HD 7520G
Had to test the work-around because it auto-updated again