Sony Tv Video Issue
muzziuk last edited by
Hi everyone,
I'm going to buy SONY BRAVIA KDL55W829BBU TV and they use Opera browser so when I use the internet on that Tv Would I be able to stream any videos and Films on the internet?
Does Opera plays HTML5 Videos?
Could i watch films online on any web site with Opera Browser on this Tv with Opera?
Thank You -
TomaszStawarz Opera last edited by
If it has the Opera TV Store then you can watch videos in there. As for the Web Browser please ask Sony support or forum as it is a browser made by Sony based on Opera engine.
jamesjkav last edited by
I am trying to link my plex server to my Sony Bravia KDL-48W605B-
I have paired my divice and am trying to upload my plex URL.
I enter the Http//127.oetc but it will not save or engauge.
What am i missing...?Thanks
James -
vteixeira66 last edited by
Dear sirs,
I have bought a Sony 40w695b and it uses your browser (at least I think it is yours, it is called URL Loader). It works fine, however simple it is, but I only have one doubt. Is it possible to get rid of or hide that status bar on the top of the screen while watching videos? Can the browser go to full screen mode? Thank you.