essential extensions?
noisefield last edited by
hi there,
just now i started to take a more serious look at extensions, didn´t even know of extensions like Ghostery, AdBlock, Disconnect, zenmate, etc.. so im asking here wich are the ones you always use with opera, security or non security related, in terms of improving web experience. I bet many of this extensions will do the same so this post is also for filtering and helping to choose the ones to kept installed, thanks! -
noisefield last edited by
yeah ..i know, i just saw that i was missing some really good extensions just becuse i din´t care much about them, and now im "organizing" a little bit more opera here and finding out some are becoming "essential"(at least for now) to me , just checking which others i ´ve ben missing, thanks.
g00g00 last edited by admin
It looks like people doesn't like so much speaking about such a topic . . .
shwetankdixit last edited by
There is also this reddit group where they discuss their fav extensions or extensions which are worth a look
tlwsyf last edited by
The Weather
DuckDuckGo - Speed DialLastPass
Nimbus Screen CaptureAlso, AlienTube.
shelluser last edited by
Guess I'm late to the thread, totally overlooked this one
I actually have very few which I'd consider essential, but these are the ones I like best: AdBlock plus, this should be an obvious choice IMO. It helps you filter / block out a /lot/ of online spam / advertisements.
Next up is Google Translate. A very handy extension; I simply highlight a word, an translucent icon will pop up above it and when clicked I can instantly translate the word using Google. No need to open new tabs to go to their website.
Finally StopSocial. I'm sometimes very weary of all the social media "like links" because in a way these give those websites the perfect infrastructure to build a road map out of everything you do. Think about it: you go to a site which uses like buttons. What usually happens is that your browser will contact one of the social media websites to download the required scripts, and those requests normally also mention the originating site as a referrer. So basically its the perfect tool to collect what kind of websites you're browsing. SO yah, this tool helps me block that stuff entirely. With the added bonus that I can tune it on a per-site basis. I'm well aware that full anonymity on the Internet doesn't exist, but every little bit can help out from time to time.
And I'd almost forget: Bing & Weather speed dial. Those add 2 tiles to my speed dial screen. One shows the daily background which Bing uses while the other shows the current weather.
And there you have it